GUIDE: Adblocker for IE8 (from adblock plus) (list updated regularly)

Noticed a performance issue with google maps when using this list. The pan+zoom are incredibly laggy and the tiles take a while to load.

By adding<- where it loads the tiles from! & to the allow list, it seems to have resolved the issue.

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That rule isnt included in the filter. I think its caused by IE trying to be "intelligent". I try increasing the limit of what is automatically blocked to 30 to see it it helps

Yeah, thats what i thought at first, but still getting sluggish performance. Unless I remove the list entirely or allow these 2, the issue occurs.

Would adding to allow negate any of the blocked items already on the list?
fyi, been using this for some months now.

The only issue ive had is with wikipedia not displaying correctly. Im guessing because quite a few wiki sites ive been using share the same content, and as such, inprivate filtering blocks the content after visiting X amount of different wiki sites.

(where X is what number of sites you've set IE to block content, usually 10)

Solved the problem by creating an allow rule for '' on the filtering lit.
Hey just joined up because these filters are awesome. Thanks Temi_D! I was wondering, what exact list from fanboy do you use? judging by it being adblock.ini i'd guess you use the iron-chrome main list? that had entries on it that yours doesn't though, so I thought I'd ask!

Edit: I might have an update for the way you compile and we import filters (one step closer to automation!), but I want to make sure I'm using the right fanboy list and test to make sure i can duplicate your results :)
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Using the iron-chrome blocking list I'm getting some bad results (Windows Live Hotmail gets messed up, captchas hidden, etc.) even though my script works correctly..

Temi, What list are you using and do you remove any from it to make sure it works for IE?

Edit: THIS might change how we do things too! Very cool, looks like InPrivate Filtering has finally allowed List Subscription.

Edit2: Alright Temi, you haven't responded so I guess I'll just post my work regardless...
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MakeFilters PowerShell Script 1.0

This can be run on any system with PowerShell installed - Windows 7 has this by default.

A PowerShell script which automatically downloads and converts an Adblock Plus blocklist - now uses the official ABP EasyList (without element hiding) - into a registry file which allows someone to import it directly into IE without the need of using the GUI. Much simpler than downloading the new XML, unpacking, opening IE, deleting the old filters and importing the new ones. Just run script then import to registry.

Note: MakeFilters 1.2+ uses Fanboy TPLs (for IE9) and converts them to an IE8 InPrivate Filter List registry file.
Follow the download link below to the new post.

For any of you wanting to cut out the middle man entirely and "autoupdate" this is now possible via Windows Task Scheduler, and I've included automation instructions. I have mine set to update weekly.

Lastly, to avoid IE making its own "false positives" I recommend setting StartMode to 2 and it'll default open to "Choose content to block" and only block those things you choose and what you've imported for filters. Don't fret, I've included a registry file which sets these values for you.

So without further ado, Download the MakeFilters package. Enjoy! :D

- It takes a little while to convert to the hexadecimal format necessary for the WebFilters DB registry key. If any PowerShell wizards are out there who can improve on this, feel free.

- "exceptions.ini" in the package can be used to add sites to whitelist in the event of something breaking (like, and for Temi_D's Fanboy-based filters), however the exceptions list currently only has entries for Google Maps as I have no problem on Wikipedia with my EasyList-based filters.

- I've been using the new EasyList-based filters for a couple days and they seem to block all ads on every site I use regularly; works better than when I used Fanboy for this script, which broke Facebook/Hotmail, etc. Of course, milage may vary.

- Thanks to Temi_D for inspiring me to dig around further in the registry and figure out the format for the filters db. Cheers!
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Really sorry for the late responce osm0sis, been really busy lately. The filter list I used was the srware iron one and I didnt alter it in any way. I haven't had a detailed look but it seems your method is much more efficient

EDIT: I get errors when i run the powershell script
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Yeah please dig around and improve on it if you can.. not sure why but iron and opera-based fanboy lists with my script were messing up certain sites for me, but the EasyList doesn't. Still, had to cut out complex blocks like "blah*blah" but it works great.

Looked into it a bit and Fanboy won't be making the iron list after new year's since Chrome now supports the actual adblock lists, so one way or the other, iron was out.

When you have the time, let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve the script or the list or the filters or whatever. Cheers. ;)

Edit: And even with IE9 possibly getting subscription lists, this will still be handy for those who can't/won't upgrade from IE8. :)
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EDIT: I get errors when i run the powershell script

What errors? Make sure you're running it from somewhere you have write access, and use the MakeFilters shortcut I included. (the "For Admin" one is only for places you do NOT have write access). You can mouse-over the shortcuts for a description to explain the difference as well.

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, you editing your previous post doesn't trigger the subscription notification for the thread ;)

P.S. IE9 RC is out today and has the new Tracking Protection Lists (TPLs) which looks to be RSS based subscriptions to something very similar to what we were doing anyway. Nobody's put one out yet, so it might be worth checking out and hosting a Fanboy or EasyList based one to be the first out of the gate.
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pezz: Check out that last comment of the blog post you linked. It's from the author and it looks like they're already automatically generated. :D They do warn that TPLs aren't really FOR adblocking though, so mileage may vary.

Still working on a way to get it to load the TPL, but here's the link.

Happy blocking ;)

Thanks for the link. But how can I import the .tpl file that you linked?

Edit: sorry didn't notice your edit. Please post when you do find a way to import it. Thanks.
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EasyList (No Element Hiding) Tracking Protection List for IE9 RC+

Here's the proper way to add a TPL ;):

<head><title>Add EasyList TPL</title></head>
    <a href="javascript:window.external.msAddTrackingProtectionList('', 'EasyList \(No Element Hiding\) Adblock List')">
        Add EasyList (No Element Hiding) TPL

Save as AddTPL.htm, Run, Allow ActiveX, click the link. Done. :)

Now, Happy blocking! :D

Edit: The officially endorsed EasyPrivacy TPL and other actual Tracking Protection Lists (ie. no adblocking), can be found here.
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