Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

I've had to go back to using the OR modem, I am racking up approx 3000-4000 CRC's per 35 seconds forcing re-syncs every 2-3 min's. On the OR modem no re-syncs. Do you guys think there is a major issue with my ASUS router, is anyone else getting that amount of CRC errors? I'm finding this on 2139 and beta 2144.

Not getting that amount here unless I force fastpath at 6dB SNRM. Could just be some interference on my line though. If I go fastpath at around 12dB target SNRM then the errors are reduced significantly, if I go interleaved with 0 INP and 4ms delay at 6dB target SNRM then I can hold a reliable connection with some errors. If I increase delay to 8ms and still stay at 0 INP then I seem to get no CRC errors, just FEC.
On 2139 and getting the following stats. Better sync than my Eci modem and fritzbox but too early to report on the stability on this firmware.

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Not getting that amount here unless I force fastpath at 6dB SNRM. Could just be some interference on my line though. If I go fastpath at around 12dB target SNRM then the errors are reduced significantly, if I go interleaved with 0 INP and 4ms delay at 6dB target SNRM then I can hold a reliable connection with some errors. If I increase delay to 8ms and still stay at 0 INP then I seem to get no CRC errors, just FEC.

Thank you, that's interesting to know. I'm about 700m from the cab, also I know that part of the line is aluminium and I'm sure that doesn't help.
I can't force fastpath like you unfortunately :( I've had BT out today claiming there is no issue on my line or equipment, but during 16:00 and 00:30 I suffer with terrible CRC's and 2-3 min re-syncs. They reset the line today back to fastpath and it's been a nightmare. I have a draytek Vigor 2850 that suffers with the same problem. Both reduce the line speed & produce CRC's in abundance but I have a lot less re-syncs with the Vigor than I do with the ASUS, but there are enough re-syncs to cause issues. I am finding it puzzling that the OR modem does not drop yet both of these routers do.

Hair loss imminent :)
Thank you, that's interesting to know. I'm about 700m from the cab, also I know that part of the line is aluminium and I'm sure that doesn't help.
I can't force fastpath like you unfortunately :( I've had BT out today claiming there is no issue on my line or equipment, but during 16:00 and 00:30 I suffer with terrible CRC's and 2-3 min re-syncs. They reset the line today back to fastpath and it's been a nightmare. I have a draytek Vigor 2850 that suffers with the same problem. Both reduce the line speed & produce CRC's in abundance but I have a lot less re-syncs with the Vigor than I do with the ASUS, but there are enough re-syncs to cause issues. I am finding it puzzling that the OR modem does not drop yet both of these routers do.

Hair loss imminent :)

The easy answer to that is that the OR modems are designed and tested to ensure compatibility. The ASUS - as someone earlier posted, who knows where or if that was tested but it certainly doesn't seem to have been with BT specifications in mind.

If you're suffering that badly, your best bet is probably with the OR modem and separate router to minimise any effects of future DLM intervention (once it's been turned back on by OR).
I hope that isn't the case. The crappy ASUS modem has had me DLMed down to nearly half the speed of the BT OR modem.....I definitely do not want to stay at that rate :(

I can confirm that DLM is still working. Last night I was DLMed down to 19M :( Probably partially my fault since I had to do a couple of reconnects yesterday to get firmware 2144 and ASUS support's recommended settings put in place.

I also took the opportunity to replace my mk1 NTE5 with a mk2 and a new cable while I was messing about with it. If DLM slows me down again tonight, I'm going to have to give up and plug the old BT OR modem back in :(

Current stats:

admin@DSL-AC68U:/tmp/adsl# cat info_adsl.txt
fwVer= FwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_0.1

Opmode=ITU G.993.2(VDSL2)
SNRMarginDown=10.4 dB
AttenDown=17.9 dB
SNRMarginUp=6.1 dB
AttenUp=0.4 dB
DataRateDown=19999 kbps
DataRateUp=8718 kbps
ADSLUpTime=14:13, 56 secs
ADSLActiveTime=0 min, 16 secs
PowerDown=10.8 dbm
PowerUp=4.9 dbm
mtenStandard=G.dmt.bisplus (Annex L)
The easy answer to that is that the OR modems are designed and tested to ensure compatibility. The ASUS - as someone earlier posted, who knows where or if that was tested but it certainly doesn't seem to have been with BT specifications in mind.

If you're suffering that badly, your best bet is probably with the OR modem and separate router to minimise any effects of future DLM intervention (once it's been turned back on by OR).

Good point.
I am going to keep an eye on this forum and hopefully a firmware release that works will manifest, I have my fingers crossed!
Ok guys,
I'm going to fire this one off at ASUS, not sure if this is effecting the router or not, but I've done a noise test with an AM radio, the power adapter is emitting a lot of pulse noise. Now the odd thing is this is very sporadic as to when you get CRC error spikes when on fastpath, now being a sparky (not that I do it anymore) thinking when under load as in your working your router, the pulses would become stronger as it draws more power, is this what's causing line noise, I think its worth an ask?
I've also learned after a lengthy chat with a PlusNet tech guy, their software holds the line speed at whatever the exchange (DLM) read that day, so not only are you limited by BT's DLM but I find PlusNet are also restricting the line speed with their software for 24 hour periods (so I'm told) I will dig around and see if I can find out more!
Well early days, I've just put my shielded cat6 rj11 cable at 90 degree angles to the power cable of the ASUS (helps to reduce noise, like twisting pairs) and it's reduced the CRC's 938 in 8 mins and my speed improved by 10Mb, I am now wondering if this is the issue? I'll keep you posted.
15 mins in 2 downloads sitting at 42Mb and 1839 CRC's
Cable moved burst of errors - re-synced
I put a large candle on to hold the cables and 39 CRC's at 7:40 43Mb down
SNR dropped to 5.9dB and then I saw a spike up to 1296 CRC's
Not sure if this is connected yet, but it's looking suspect to me and would add up to these random spikes we're all suffering.
20 mins in, longest I've managed to sync on fastpath 5600 CRC errors SNR 5.9dB - no re-sync yet, I've moved the power adapter further away from the master socket to.

This surly can't be coincidence?
Ok guy's I moved the cables back in under 2 seconds what do you know....26901 Down CRC errors and a re-sync. I am sure this is the issue here, I am going to have words with ASUS now.
Ok guy's I moved the cables back in under 2 seconds what do you know....26901 Down CRC errors and a re-sync. I am sure this is the issue here, I am going to have words with ASUS now.

An interesting find. I wonder if this noise is also coming down the power cable in a rather serious way. Perhaps adding a ferrite toroid or something similar will also help shield some of the noise if it also goes down the cable in a rather serious way.
I am thinking I might try that yes to get concrete proof. If you hold up an am radio at 612mhz to the power cable you will hear the pulsing noise its producing. I just find it a little to coincidental, I can't kill all the CRC's but I've massively reduced them plus reducing my latency and SNR. I might be wrong here but I can't think that it would help matters!
Put the cables at 90 degrees again and 5560 CRC's in 17 mins no re-sync SNR 5.9dB. I am truly wondering now! In answer to your question, yes the pulse is running down the cable and I can hear it on the RJ11 DSL cable.
The RT-N66U I have actually has a ferrite on the power cable (just before it plugs into the router). I wonder if this power supply outputs the same voltage and amperage that the DSL-AC68U has. The output plugs certainly look identical. If so I might switch them round and see what effect it has (and also try to keep the cable and router as far away from the power sockets as possible).
Well early days, I've just put my shielded cat6 rj11 cable at 90 degree angles to the power cable of the ASUS (helps to reduce noise, like twisting pairs) and it's reduced the CRC's 938 in 8 mins and my speed improved by 10Mb, I am now wondering if this is the issue? I'll keep you posted.
15 mins in 2 downloads sitting at 42Mb and 1839 CRC's
Cable moved burst of errors - re-synced
I put a large candle on to hold the cables and 39 CRC's at 7:40 43Mb down
SNR dropped to 5.9dB and then I saw a spike up to 1296 CRC's
Not sure if this is connected yet, but it's looking suspect to me and would add up to these random spikes we're all suffering.

Thinking about it, I fitted a shielded RJ11 cable whilst I still had the ASUS and my CRC's dropped around the same time.
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As soon as the internet is quieter here I'll give it a try, I'll check the power supplies to ensure they are both identical before switching them over.
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