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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

1 Mar 2014
I haven't as yet. Might wait til i've got a big slab of copper on it before I am concerned with adding voltage.
Seem able to hit 1400ish fairly comfortably on stock volts. Highest I got it to pass Firestrike and Heaven bench was 1427 although throttled on occasion. Unsure if due to thermals or power limit. Not looking to push things due to the rig I'm using only having a 550w superflower psu.

Gaming wise Watch_Dogs needed me to back off the overclock slightly as +250 and +240 were causing instability. Not done a huge amount of testing thus far. First impressions are 1) very very quick 2) very very loud if wanting to use a custom profile to keep temps a wee bit lower.

I've seen mine throttle 13mhz when over 71c, turn up the fans so it doesn't hit that and you should be fine for benching stable clocks. For 24/7 I'm NOT going to be pushing 1453mhz as I need to go aggressive with the fan profile.

The noise gets to you over 60-65% :p
7 Aug 2012
I'm getting them for spill protection ;).

Idling at ambient 21c. Did a run at stock voltage 250/450+ offset, max temp was 28c for one run through FS :)

Haha, the spill/ leak protection is something I was thinking about as well. Especially since I will be at some point connecting a 2nd via my EK parrallel bridge and Im always scared it springs a leak between the cards! :/
5 Sep 2011
Haha, the spill/ leak protection is something I was thinking about as well. Especially since I will be at some point connecting a 2nd via my EK parrallel bridge and Im always scared it springs a leak between the cards! :/

Exactly! The SLI fittings have a tendency to not tighten right first time so I'd rather the middle card had some protection lol
1 Mar 2014
Anyone know why Unigine Valley scores aren't much faster than a heavily clocked 780ti?

That's a pretty old bench, don't give it to much weight.

That's really great thankyou!!

Do you have Dying light? or Tomb Raider? Crysis 3?

Not sure which would be best

Probably Overclocked if poss, ultra settings.

I have Dying Light installed , Crysis 3 I need to redownload and Tomb Raider I don't have.

I have many other AAA titles SOM,BF4, DA:I, COD AW,ACU, The Crew etc
1 Mar 2014
I'd be interested in your dying light and dragon age inquisition at 1600p please, settings maxed.

On a side note I still get slight stutters in dying light, do you get any of that?

Haven't tested Dying Light yet to be honest, but in all games I got stutter with CFX or SLI it's non existent now.

Will update a little later with the results (at work atm)
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