Do you tip the pizza delivery man?

22 Mar 2010
leafy surrey
Morgoth I like my job (my gf works mainly evenings so I work a few nights as well as my full time job for extra cash + I get free grub:D)i get paid if I deliver and I get paid if I dont but not as much(i can read a book if its quiet or chat to the other staff either way better than sitting at home doing bugger all) just saying think what a tip means to the driver its the difrence between an ok night and a good night for others it may mean paying or not paying the bills at the end of the month are you realy that hard up/tight/selfish/rude that you would wait for your 50p change.

Your average customer I would not call rude etc as I said before it's your money spend it how you want but I get the odd one who spends £50+ on food then waits for 10p change:rolleyes:

Speed of delivery is proportionate (spelling not good with vodka at 2am) to the size of tip;) the dude who lives in the middle of nowhere and tips i burn some rubber the tight gits I drive like a granny and save some fuel:D

Also domino's sucks its like macy d's of the pizza world.
18 Jan 2004
Sunny Scotland
Dont tip dominos or pizza hut because only time they are ordered is if I have no cash in house. Local pizza guy from kebab shop etc always gets whatever is needed to round it up. So usually about 50-60p



7 Oct 2004
God no! my last pizza delivery was nineteen pounds. I'm not made of damn money!

If it's cash on delivery i'll round up to the nearest convenient amount so the guy doesn't have to fiddle around for change though. same with taxi-Drivers :)
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
The best tippers are usualy the ones with the least IE those on council estates and the worst are those well of with a 1/2 million quid detached house or similar.

Have you thought that maybe this is because the people that have a larger more expensive house in a better area are generally more sensible with their money - for example refraining from tipping pizza delivery drivers?
14 Sep 2005
Burnham, Bucks
No i don't tip

The idea that you should be tipped for doing your job is an american one.

The american's think you should tip everyone, Waiters, ****tail waitresses, taxi drivers, delivery men, hotel staff, and anything less than 20 % is being cheap.

This is even the case if you go to an American bar with paid entry but 'free' drinks - you won't get served if you don't tip!
19 Aug 2010
i always give a nice tip such as "never wear socks with jandals" :p.

But seriously, no, i always find the service isn't to great around here..
31 Dec 2007
That's to make up for their rubbish base line wages, though... so the tips are effectively part of their wage.

why should we be making up the crappy wage? they should factor that into the business margins and pay a living wage in the first place
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
[TW]Fox;19597947 said:
What exactly has he done, other than exactly what he is paid to and nothing more?

I agree with this tbh.
Do I get tips at work for doing what Im meant to do? no
Do you tip your binmen? no

What absolutely boils my **** is these places that put on their receipts a "discretionary x% gratuity has been added"

If I see that on the reciept I have it removed, If I am gonna tip its for receiving fantastic service not just because they expect a tip.
2 Apr 2007
T.I.P.S To Insure Prompt/Proper Service

You dont have to give much but a little makes a big diffrence to me and the other drivers do you think with fuel costing a fortune we are gonna race to the tight fisted gits house that waits for thier 50p change or the one that give a quid each time.

As I said, my job is far more hazardous and unpleasant than yours, I work long hours, and get paid very little. I don't get tips, or extra money.

As someone with a decent work ethic, I expect and are expected to provide prompt and proper service AS STANDARD, not if I feel like it, or that guy has given me extra in bribe money.

A lot of waiters/delivery people think that they're entitled to that tip, that if they're not being tipped then it's "okay" for them to provide a crap service. That is a behaviour typical of your 'chav' 'scrounger' 'dole' culture, not one of a culture of hard-working individuals.

I have tipped before, but that is for EXCEPTIONAL service. i.e. Where a person has gone beyond the call of duty in order to provide that proper service. Not if they're a little earlier, or they say thank you when they hand me my pizza, but when they do something such as going back and get the right order, for example (which has happened to me in the past, albeit once).

The kind of attitude that people 'deserve' tips for DOING THEIR JOB is digusting and pathetic.

If you don't like the pay, get another job, otherwise you are propagating that kind of low-pay, tipping attitude by working it.
21 Nov 2010
Newton Aycliffe
I used to work in a non-chain pizza joint,
What annoyed me was drivers got tipped for simply delivering it to the door plus theyre £6.50 wage, were as us staff making every part of it and preparing the order got £5 and no tips.
15 Feb 2011
Lancing, Sussex
but if you want you food hotter and faster give a little tip :)

You drive slower because you don't get a tip then people will look elsewhere. Less customers for the business you work for then more the chance you'll be out of a job. Stop throwing a hissy fit and expecting a tip and be grateful that people still use your business if you're driving slowly and giving them warmish pizzas.

I used to work in a non-chain pizza joint,
What annoyed me was drivers got tipped for simply delivering it to the door plus theyre £6.50 wage, were as us staff making every part of it and preparing the order got £5 and no tips.

Exactly. You're the one doing the work in a hot kitchen and they expect tips for simply driving what you prepared to our doors....I hope your drivers aren't babies when they don't get a tip.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I agree with this tbh.
Do I get tips at work for doing what Im meant to do? no
Do you tip your binmen? no

What absolutely boils my **** is these places that put on their receipts a "discretionary x% gratuity has been added"

If I see that on the reciept I have it removed, If I am gonna tip its for receiving fantastic service not just because they expect a tip.

Same, I have it removed. My girlfriend absolutely hates this too and turns into a real bitch with the waiter if this is added. If the service was sharp, competent and not too intrusive, then I'll happily leave a tenner of sometimes even £20, regardless of bill size. But if I get a chirpy **** that constantly comes over to hassle and chat, he/she gets nothing.

I remember years ago with the Old Orleans restaurant in the O2 centre in Finchley Road, there was a German waitress who was my mortal enemy and me hers. She used to tip ME out of protest against my tightness but the service was absolutely horrendous. Sometimes the chef would bring out the food as the waiters were off smoking or sitting down. Yes, it closed down in the end. Twice I walked away there without paying as the service was so so bad. Nobody cared.

In my teens, I used to work as a waiter too and actually enjoyed it. You learn a lot about people and even the most miserable gits ended up tipping as I cracked a joke or two without being intrusive or 'pally'.
22 Nov 2005
ok night and a good night for others it may mean paying or not paying the bills at the end of the month are you realy that hard up/tight/selfish/rude that you would wait for your 50p change.

Your average customer I would not call rude etc as I said before it's your money spend it how you want but I get the odd one who spends £50+ on food then waits for 10p change:rolleyes:

Speed of delivery is proportionate (spelling not good with vodka at 2am) to the size of tip;) the dude who lives in the middle of nowhere and tips i burn some rubber the tight gits I drive like a granny and save some fuel:D

Also domino's sucks its like macy d's of the pizza world.
why do people like you feel they are entitled to my hard earned change as a TIP?
in america people earn their tips , in england people expect them :rolleyes:

if i walk into dominoes i dont tip the guy who actually makes the pizza so why should i tip some skivvy who delivers it and drags his knuckles along my garden path?
GTFO is the size of tip proportionate to the speed of delivery, you dont even know if your getting a tip
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Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
No one tips me on their way out of the club and I work a dam sight harder than some guy who rolls up to my front door with some food someone else prepared and cooked.
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