Summer Transfer Window 2013/2014 aka Arsenal , we can afford folks and the mancs really want Fellani

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9 Mar 2006
When asked which position he is looking to strengthen, the boss replied: “Not necessarily midfield. I think with top players it doesn’t matter what position they play in. I think if I get a top player in, it adds to the team and it improves it.

Midfield still not a priority :(
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Meh. Got a £170m/5 year kit deal now. £34m/year plus the £30m/year from the new Emirates deal. That's a decent sized war fund.

Yep but im not that confident that we will sign any world class players who can make us challenge for trophies. Especially with Wenger's track record recently in the transfer market :(.

Hopefully that will change if we do have the purported £100mill or so warchest.
18 Oct 2002
Sure ............ :p

I desperately want Wenger gone before he gets a chance to spend any potential money. Wages are still increasing, with new contracts for players not even remotely good enough, Gibbs, Ramsey, Rosicky, lol. If he spent 100mil this year I'd be grateful if 20mil went on useful improvements to the squad because its more than I think he'd get, and he'd simply splash around higher wages on the wrong players and commit more players to 4 years at Arsenal where no other club will take those players off our hands.

Every year he stays, is essentially moving the goalpost another year, for 4 years after Wenger finally leaves there will be 7-10 players who are draining money out of the club, offering nothing and preventing the team really being rebuilt.

If he went this season, we wouldn't be able to ditch, Mert, Gervinho, Giroud, Ramsey, Gibbs, Diaby, Walcott, for between 2-4 years depending on the contract length. If he's here over summer, there will be two more players with 4 year + contracts who the club will get stuck with.

It is huge increases, unfortunately I think they've done a lot of bad business, taking some awful deals over the past decade to get a bit of extra cash upfront to help secure loans for the stadium. Sure Wigan or someone with no money and no billionaire owners might not have had another choice, but Arsenal could have found 100mil, not been trying to get front loaded deals and basically made double the cash in shirt/stadium sponsorship in the past 7-8 years... then our owners would have made significantly more cash themselves.

Either way, Wenger won't spend it well, we bought Giroud, when Remy cost less, we brought Gervinho, when Vela was at the club and a significantly better player, the list goes on, and on, and on. Wenger's utterly lost his eye for both great players, and great deals. He's been paying 8-15mil for most players recently and most have been complete flops.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Another Wenger/Arsenal rant.

Didnt take you long did it DM??:p.

Yeh yeh we all get it, you want Wenger gone. How about this??, why not get rid of the Board too and Kroneke our majority shareholder too??. They must be part of the problem as well...personally i think a lot of Wengers inability to sign players is due to the constraints the Board has put on him....just my suspicion that is. If we want to compete with the big boys, then we also need to start paying players £100k+ a week otherwise they will all end up at City, Chelsea and Utd to an extent.
4 Feb 2003
telford, shropshire
just noticed something a bit troublesome for arsenal fans, if theres any truth to it, on the bbc webby (source daily star....):

Arsene Wenger and his board are believed to be at odds over whether Arsenal should launch a summer move for QPR striker Loic Remy, 26, or Vitesse forward Wilfried Bony, 24.

Apparently Wenger wants to sign remy, but the board would prefer to sign bony, is this pointing to the board not trusting wengers judgement ??
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
just noticed something a bit troublesome for arsenal fans, if theres any truth to it, on the bbc webby (source daily star....):

Arsene Wenger and his board are believed to be at odds over whether Arsenal should launch a summer move for QPR striker Loic Remy, 26, or Vitesse forward Wilfried Bony, 24.

Apparently Wenger wants to sign remy, but the board would prefer to sign bony, is this pointing to the board not trusting wengers judgement ??

Perhaps or maybe they see Bony as a cheaper alternative compared to Remy, who is probably on silly wages at QPR and if QPR want to sell him, then im pretty sure he wont be sold for cheap.
6 Jun 2005
Crosses fingers that the Utd chasing Benzema rumours are completely false (as if we don't have Utd don't have their own Welbeck, we are now wanting RM's as well arrrggghhh)
18 Oct 2002
Didnt take you long did it DM??:p.

Yeh yeh we all get it, you want Wenger gone. How about this??, why not get rid of the Board too and Kroneke our majority shareholder too??. They must be part of the problem as well...personally i think a lot of Wengers inability to sign players is due to the constraints the Board has put on him....just my suspicion that is. If we want to compete with the big boys, then we also need to start paying players £100k+ a week otherwise they will all end up at City, Chelsea and Utd to an extent.

Wenger has been the reason behind wages, it is not the problem, the board are not the problem. Wenger instituted the wage structure donkeys years ago. £150mil wages it will be this year, at least, while Spurs are spending £85-90mil, Utd are spending probably close to £190-200mil THIS year after a 25mil increase in wages this year(its been said the increase is do to with huge sponsorship increases because naming rights mean players get a bump in wage when sponsorship deals increase), I've forgotten what they spent last year, it was something like £165mil vs our £143mil vs Spurs spending £85mil or so......... which team were we competing with, we are FAR closer to Utd in wage spending than Spurs, yet weren't remotely close to Utd and Spurs were ahead of us most of last and this season despite spending over 50% more in wages than Spurs.....

The support, the wages, the transfer spending is there, the player choices aren't, the tactics aren't, the defensive organisation isn't, each and every defensively player we have bought in the past 5 years has gotten worse after joining us, Sagna, Vermaelen, night and day first season vs current season. That is Wenger, his tactics, and his training, nothing to do with the board. He's turned a 10mil Vermaelen who was one of the best CB's in the league that year, into a bumbling mess... tell me how the board is to blame for that?

Wenger wants relative pay parity throughout the team. Utd were giving Rooney £150k a week while other guys were making 20-30k a week. Arsenal is essentially the majority of the squad between 50-80k a week now with only a couple outliers and thats the odd guy on 100k a week.

Wenger CHOOSES to give Diaby 60k a week and say Fabregas 80-90k a week rather than Diaby 20k a week and Fabregas 130k a week.

Arsenal spend HUGE on wages, Arsenal also AREN'T massively profitable, so why people keep talking about the board taking money out of the club, we have 100mil cash in the CLUBS bank account, if the owners want to take money out of the club they could take that money whenever they want, every penny of it. But the interest on that account counts towards FFP and generates income and gives Arsenal a buffer should anything bad happen, terrible season, half the team injured, need to buy 4 players and lose european money, thats what that money is for. All sensible teams have a pretty huge amount in a bank account. Any teams where the owners are draining the club completely, don't, they just take that money.

The board have done entirely nothing wrong, Wenger has spent significant amounts of cash in the past 3 years, over 100mil, of which probalby 80mil has been on the wrong players.

Are the board to blame for giving Wenger 14mil and he buys Gervinho, or 12mil to buy Giroud, 6mil to buy Santos, 10mil + just for Walcott's pay increase over the length of his contract, another 10mil for Ramsey, Djourou, Gibbs wage increases, did the board choose to stop using our 10 goal 18 assist Arshavin while paying him 90k a week to do nothing?

Sorry but blaming the board when they've spent the money the team has generated, are running the club sensibly, have a HUGE wage bill, and can't win a cup final against Birmingham?
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18 Oct 2002
just noticed something a bit troublesome for arsenal fans, if theres any truth to it, on the bbc webby (source daily star....):

Arsene Wenger and his board are believed to be at odds over whether Arsenal should launch a summer move for QPR striker Loic Remy, 26, or Vitesse forward Wilfried Bony, 24.

Apparently Wenger wants to sign remy, but the board would prefer to sign bony, is this pointing to the board not trusting wengers judgement ??

Perhaps or maybe they see Bony as a cheaper alternative compared to Remy, who is probably on silly wages at QPR and if QPR want to sell him, then im pretty sure he wont be sold for cheap.

Lets put it this way, Wenger has bought 2 10mil + strikers who had a good season in French football, and neither of them are remotely close to good enough. QPR bought a 10mil striker on probably 100k a week... and he scored FIVE goals in helping QPR not get relegated. He has himself said "when I'm not at 100% I have trouble playing effectively", when he gets injured essentially he and others have suggested he plays poorly, has trouble getting back to form, etc, etc.

Bony has scored 31 this season in a league that isn't the weak ass french league, and spending a huge amount and a very large wage on a guy happy to go to a **** club for money, who didn't do very well, is asking for trouble.

They just handed 100k a week to Walcott under Wenger's instruction, to which Walcott stopped playing football at all again, so giving 100k a week to Remy for the same reasons isn't very encouraging.

Remy could be great at a proper club, he might not be, but the trouble in the team isn't the strikers. We scored more than last year without RVP(though a much worse league IMHO), but we still are where we were last year.

Remy only managed 6 starts for Marseille, and 11 for QPR, and got 7 goals this season. He's never, even in the relatively weak french league, scored over 15 league goals a season, Bony scored 31, although again in a weaker league and dutch goal scoring hasn't always translated. Wage, motivation, injury worries, attitude, personality and actual quality, I wouldn't touch Remy with a bargepole till he goes to a club and proves he can fight over a season and isn't just happy with a big contract.

Of those two I'd go with Bony, easily, no question, given the problems with the team, as always, I think Wenger going and a new manager will improve the team more than any transfer you can think of short of Ronaldo or Messi.

The team as a whole isn't working, the mentality, the losing, the inability to see through games if we score early, the work rate, the squad, the refusal to dump the rubbish, the arbitrarily dropping our best players, the refusal to use youth effectively, the inability to win single important games like Birmingham, this is all down to the manager, not the individual players we have.

The biggest and most important signing we can make is a manager.
6 Jun 2005
I'd swap our Welbeck for their Welbeck :p

Well ok I would go along with that :D

I certainly wouldn't give up £30m for theirs (or give up Chicharito who is rumoured to be wanted by RM - although he does deserve a lot more playing time)

apart from Benzema actually scores and assists? :p

He seems to miss sitters as well as Welbeck - a few years ago the press seemed to be going nuts over him as much as over Falcao nowadays
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Desired summer transfers:

OUT (desired fee, included primarily for comedy value so people point and say "you won't get half of that for him" / "no chance they will sell him for that")
Fabianski (£1m)
Squilacci (Bosman)
Andre Santos (£2.5m)
Denilson (£2m)
Sagna (£4m)
Chamakh (£3m)
Bendtner (£4m)
Arshavin (Bosman, would like him to stay but no point if not being played)

Should drop about ~£23m/year off the wage bill by my guess

IN (assuming top 4 finish, otherwise nobody)
Jagielka (£9m)
Falcao (£30m)
Casillas (£8m)
Bent (£7m, backup option for when we can't get Falcao)
Holding midfielder, can't think of anyone right now as we missed the boat on Scott Parker (£?)
Eriksen (£8m, this guy is awesome and we need to buy him before he moves to a big club and his value will double)
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