The Ugly gene-Why are there Ugly people?

2 Aug 2012
A bit of fun! :p

The Ugly gene.

Why are there ugly people?

One would think that being Ugly is a reproductive no-no and yet despite hundreds of thousands of generations of sexual selection, Ugly people, of both sexes, still persist. So clearly something rather more complex is going on.

It is difficult at first sight to see how there might be any selective advantage in being ugly, but perhaps it is less of a reproductive disadvantage than you might think, and may under some circumstances actually have reproductive advantages.

To my mind, it is all down to sexual dynamics.

The first of which is that some (possibly most) men are sufficiently undiscriminating that they would happily shag a doughnut simply because it has a hole in it, especially if they have had a few beers first! :p

(Male folklore is full of references to such as “Two Baggers” “Ten Pint Pretty” and even more cruel jibes)

This being the case then the bottom line is that pretty well any Woman, regardless of how Fugley she might be, will always be able to find a sexual partner is she wants one bad enough. (Even if it is only an anonymous one night stand)

What is more, a seriously Fugley Woman might, on average, actually be rather more willing to, (Erm) “give it up” than one who knows she is attractive and that might, as a result, be rather more picky with who she sleeps with. As a consequence, and perhaps somewhat bizarrely, Women with the Fugley gene might have actually ended up having had a significant reproductive advantage over time over other rather more attractive ones.

It is interesting to note that most (if not all) of the Women that a mate of mine, working for the DSS many years ago, used to refer to as “SB's” (Sperm Banks! Single women with five or more children all by different fathers) tend to fall far well short of being anywhere near Oil Painting grade! :eek:

The dynamic for men is rather different. Ultimately a Man can find a sexual partner any time he wants one, as long as he can pay!

Sometimes that transaction is as simple as just handing over money but other forms of payment involve political and economic power. The Partner of a Powerful Man is also Powerful, and a lot of Women find that attractive, certainly attractive enough not to find Male Fuglyness too much of a turn-off.

Basically, Men with the Fugley gene have to work harder, be more ambitious, and end up being more successful if they are going to get to pass it on.

Now, not being Female. I cannot really make accurate assessments of male attractiveness as far as women are concerned.

But It does seem to me that when one looks at Male senior Politicians, self made millionaires and whatever, For the most part they do seem much of a muchness in the looks department (I suppose Richard Bransons might be regarded as attractive but for the most part we are talking more Alan Sugar!)

So what do you think about my theory as to the persistence and survival of the Ugly gene? :D
1 Sep 2007
Santa Monica, California
I want to throw in that what is considered "attractive" or "pretty" changes with time. When I look at old photos or even older portraits etc.. of kings, queens etc.. more often than not they are distinctly unattractive yet considered stunning in their time.

There are cultural considerations as well, hence the stereotype of black people liking the big bootie. Important to note, this is cultural and not racial. White guys brought up in dominantly black communities will often find "the big bootie" highly attractive.
2 Aug 2012
I want to throw in that what is considered "attractive" or "pretty" changes with time. When I look at old photos or even older portraits etc.. of kings, queens etc.. more often than not they are distinctly unattractive yet considered stunning in their time.

There are cultural considerations as well, hence the stereotype of black people liking the big bootie. Important to note, this is cultural and not racial. White guys brought up in dominantly black communities will often find "the big bootie" highly attractive.

I have considered this, but I didn't want to make the OP too complicated. :)

But yes, fashion is a very important factor, and plays a very important part in the overall picture.

For example historically a lot of Fashion is actually about food, and whether it is easy to come by or a rare treat (EG Societies that verged on starvation tend to consider obesity attractive) In our society food is superabundant. there is really no risk of even the poorest starving to death because they cannot get enough food to eat. (If they do so, it is for other reasons)

Therefore being thin is considered a virtue.
30 Apr 2006
I would say it's because we as the human race have gone beyond evolution and we consider other attributes over just looks like status money power etc

Also i would also say that although there's still 'ugly' people, 'ugly' people now-a-days would have looked pretty decent 1000 years ago, you just have to look at the paintings back then , even as recently as 100 years ago the human race in general is more attractive then it has ever been
2 Jan 2005
because personalities actually do matter, especially when we are not mindless animals but have the greatest self awareness and emotional complexity of any species on the planet.
2 Jan 2005
and beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
There are some women that other people find stunning yet they do nothing for me at all. I can think of several celebrities that are extremely popular and yet they do nothing for me at all, and vice versa, there are some women that i find stunning that other people can't stand.
i guess its only evolution at work - a species that found a narrow set of parameters sexually appealing wouldn't last long, because that narrow set could never be maintained naturally due to various biological factors.
29 Jan 2008
How do you define ugly though give some examples and fat doesn't count.

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