Narks of your fellow commuters

Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
Been working from home for 4 years now and I don't miss the commute at all.

Personal stereos, chuffers, pickers, over-shoulder paper readers, not-giving-up-seats to pregnant birds and oldies, barrow trading city boy wanabees with over-sized knots in their ties talking to loudly on their mobile phones and ignorant under-trained, educationally sub-normal network staff were all knocking around my list of narks.
11 Oct 2007
Old people- they are so god-damn slow-moving and indecisive. One solution to the pension "crisis"- cull anyone over the age of 65 :p

Prams/ buggies- Particularly the big 3-wheeled jobs with huge tyres and suspension that take up the entire pavement. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned McLaren buggies FFS?!?

Chavs- Particularly when they sit up the back of the bus in a group playing crappy dance music on their tinny little toy mobile phones.

Cyclists- Or, to be more precise, cyclists who seem to think that they are exempt from road signs and traffic signals. These are usually the lycra-clad gimps on road bikes but not always.
28 Dec 2007
People who put feet on chairs.
Smelly people who sit next to me.
Scruffy people who sit next to me.
Strange people who sit next to me.
People sat with legs far apart taking up half the seating area.
People who sigh and huff when I ask them to move their luggage off the seat so I can sit down.
Chavs with mobile phones playing music.
People opening windows on cold mornings.
People who constantly stare at me on those seats which are sat opposing.
27 Jan 2005
mobile music players
people coughing all the time
hot buses
people moaning at me when i open a window to let fresh air in after 20 people are coughing up their own lungs.
people who sit across 1.5 seats
people who stand at the front of the bus when there is pleanty of room at the back..

Infact, i hate people on buses and thank god manchester rejected that concestion charge!
10 Oct 2005
People who have their mp3 player, or whatever, on so loud that I can hear it over mine!

Also people who get on the trams and then wrap themselves around the hand rails .... erm the all stops are request stops and if you do that no one can get the button to request a stop ... number one demographic who do this are middle aged women who then get stroppy if you want to hit the button so you can getthe tram to stop to get off ....
18 Oct 2002
if its a bus:

the insane and constant vibration every time it stops for traffic
the uncomftable seats
windows open
grannies and other lazy folk using it to get from one end of a street to another when its a long haul bus. dont stop for these fools!
26 Feb 2007
People who are walking around shops or on the street and then suddenly stop in front of you (block the path) and you say excuse me and they look at you like your being rude! They just have no consideration and don't care about any one else!

Oh, and in supermarkets, people coming in the exit and leaving through the entrance when they are clearly posted... and they dont move out of your way and you bang into them on purpose to make a point and they look at you like your rude!

****'s me off!

Not Commuting, but if your in a rush... you don;t need it ;)
Merry Christmas!

Fully star out any swearing
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18 Oct 2002
Student Hell Headingley
People who listen to 'personal' music players that can be heard several seats away.
People who shout into mobile phones while on public transport telling the recipient that they are on the bus and will be there in two minutes.
Students who wait for ages for a bus and then take minutes to find money to pay. Same in supermarkets except they usually pay by card for a pint of milk and 10 cig's.
Students who get on the bus with £10 or £20 asking for a £1.10 fare.
Students who stand in the doorway with bags etc when there is plenty of room farther down the bus or upstairs.

Can you see a theme developing here?
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4 Nov 2004
Just the general lack of manners.

The window opening works the opposite way on the underground. Stupid people on the Jubilee line in the mornings just stand their with the wndow closed when everyone else is overheating and melting. If you do ask then most (women) just say no or give a stupid look because they would get a little chilly or their hair might move. It's might move if I cut it off with my teeth and throw it out the frikin window.

People who barge off the train just to get off first, then proceed to walk at snails pace in the middle of a walkway/escalator. I normally find pushing them out of the way with a cheeky shoulder barge and saying EXCUSE ME loudly shocks them enough and gets the job done. Especially the ganster kids who sway around like drunks as they walk, whilst leaning back to look cool at a 45 degree angle.

MUSIC, DAMN MUSIC. But I normally giigle now thinking how soon these people will get tinitus, and will experience horrible pain when listening to music. That will learn them. But Im getting my new senn hd25 headphones this xmas so I won't be able to hear these muppets.
28 Nov 2004
I'm really not one to rant about such things but this does play on my mind so here goes!! :)

There's this one guy who's always on my train...I don't even know him, he might be a nice enough fellow...
Anyway, every night he'll do this dash to be first on the train - not pushing or anything, just a dash to be 1st and it makes me mad!! I have no idea why...perhaps its because he's being so petty. I swear one day I'll snap and run ahead of him making sure he 'loses'.
Haha...i need to grow up. I'm gonna forget about this from now on. I've vented it on the Internet. All is good....breathe...
18 Oct 2002
Don't have the windows problem on Southern trains as they are all contained, but my main peeves are...

* Other people's iPods (Get some closed back headphones 4gs)
* People that use other seats for luggage on a commuter train
* Non commuters going on a commuter train (I get this a lot working around Earl's court as they are usually going for a show) that constantly bitch, moan and generally disturb the whole train.
* Southern's INSISTANCE on having a 'Light refreshment trolley' crawl down the train that has people standing in the aisles.
* People that ask to move down the train (Again, usually a woman) then when told there is no room barges on.
* People that try to get on to a train to grab a seat before everyone has gotten off.
and my own personal favourite
* People first in the queue to get on the train that choose to stop and stand in the middle of the doorway blocking everyone else trying to get on.
5 Nov 2003
People who listen to 'personal' music players that can be heard several seats away.
People who shout into mobile phones while on public transport telling the recipient that they are on the bus and will be there in two minutes.
Students who wait for ages for a bus and then take minutes to find money to pay. Same in supermarkets except they usually pay by card for a pint of milk and 10 cig's.
Students who get on the bus with £10 or £20 asking for a £1.10 fare.
Students who stand in the doorway with bags etc when there is plenty of room farther down the bus or upstairs.

Can you see a theme developing here?

I always like the students who moan about the traffic delays in Headingley. I point out to them that when they arn't here the queues disappear (only 3 week to they are back :( )
17 Jan 2005
People who smell.
People who walk slowly onto the train or stop near the door despite there being many people behind.
People who stand in front of the doors waiting to get on when you're trying to get off.
People who barge to get off the train first only to plod along the platform, escalator or stairs.
Fare dodgers.
People who stop on the left (right in the UK) on escalators blocking it for people who want to continue walking and not stand like a lemon.
People who invade your personal space when there is enough space not to.
Americans talking LOUDLY.
People who close widows despite it being hot and smelly.
People who stop with no warning.
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