Google backup and sync puzzle

20 Mar 2007
I have used Google Drive both on my Mac and PC for years without any issues. Although overly complicated I used to have a duplicate of my entire photo collection both in PC 'users' and the same folder in the Desktop app of Google Drive.

When I went into the online version i.e. 'My Drive' I could see the 'photos' folder which had been uploaded from the Google Drive desktop app plus if I clicked the Google Photos icon in the 'My Drive' app sidebar I could see all my photos in Google Photos.

I have recently migrated to the new Google app i.e. backup and sync. From my reading of this app, (though not altogether clear) I am now able to point backup and sync to the PC folders I wanted to sync to 'My Drive' and thus delete the Desktop Google Drive app along with the contents.

I did this and sure enough my uploaded 'photos' folder from 'users' is still there along with a couple of other folders under a new heading 'Computers'. However, when I click 'Google Photos' icon in 'My Drive' that is now empty with a message 'Google Photos' will appear here.

It seems I have now to go to to view photos in Google Photos. Is this how it should work or should I not have deleted the Google Drive desktop app and contents? It does say this app will be removed in a few months time in any event.
20 Mar 2007
I think I may have found the answer myself. It appears Google are currently transitioning from the old desktop app to backup and sync and the online G-Drive hasn't yet caught up with the transition.
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