Windows 10 April Update causes havok for Intel SSD users

30 Aug 2009
one nation under sony
Microsoft and intel have now stopped the update being rolled out to devices.
Microsoft has announced its plans to prevent devices using Intel SSD 600p Series or Intel SSD Pro 6000p Series from receiving the latest Windows 10 April 2018 Update, because it may cause issues to machines.

Problems discussed on a Microsoft blog explain it could crash machines and force them to enter a UEFI screen after rebooting.

The company explained it was working closely with OEMs and directly with Intel to rectify the issues, but blocking them from receiving the update seems to be the best short-term solution at present.

If it's too late and the update has broken your computer already, you can roll back your machine to the previous version of Windows 10 (Windows 10, version 1709) instead.

Windows 10 April 2018 Update Isn’t Compatible With Some Intel SSDs

Windows 10's April Update Crashes Systems With Intel SSDs (Updated)

don't know if this already posted
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