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6 Nov 2005
Are the prices AMD announced at CES still the same. it's going around AMD have dropped them for release.

As much as i hope they do drop prices, I think its more likely if they do sweeten the deal it will be with game codes or bundle deals. Could see a "buy a 3900x and motherboard and get £50 off a graphics card" sort of deal.

That being said haven't yet seen performance, if it can match the 2070s for ~£40 less that's still a good option. If its a long way behind in performance then its gonna be a tough sell without AMD taking drastic measures
19 May 2011
Just after I've eaten dinner, no need to rush it.

My GPU choice is up in the air now, with the recent news that NAVI price might be decreased
31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
Yeah I agree, PC gaming is becoming too expensive

Personally thingk you are wrong just by the generally sweeping statement of PC gaming, dont bite my head off first read on. Think of all the games out there at the moment bar the RTX ones and to play them a good 1080p card will suffice. A card such as a RX580 or GTX 1660/ti can give you an excellent 1080p experience. A 980 or 980ti still can. So PC gaming is becoming too expensive - why ? What do you need to buy so you can play a game. Nothing. There hasnt been a game you need to buy a graphics card for in order to play it for a long long time.

If you compare console gaming against a PC playing 1080p games its not that much more expensive. The new PC hardware is expensive but then you dont really need it. Do you ?
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Meh, I'm being more and more turned off with PC hardware. I'm more excited by the next console rather than the extortionate milking going on in the PC hardware space.
I think PC gaming is doomed long term. My son loves it but all his mates use consoles. He's the only PC gamer in his group. One of his mates tried to get into PC's but he couldn't afford a decent one so sent it back and bought an XBox instead.
24 Feb 2004
I agree PC gaming is going to face uphill struggle, why?

Because if next gen consoles can do 60fps then many will just buy a console, visually the gap between consoles and pc has narrowed
by a large margin when compared to early days of PC vs Consoles.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
I think PC gaming is doomed long term. My son loves it but all his mates use consoles. He's the only PC gamer in his group. One of his mates tried to get into PC's but he couldn't afford a decent one so sent it back and bought an XBox instead.

They will be strongly inferior until 4k 120hz is standard on the new OLED. Even with strobing technology 60hz simply has too much blur and too much lag to have a future 8ms syncs perfectly for then aka 8ms usb controllers. They can sort of stop there in 6 years ok but now they want Raytracing so they go back to 6fps. There will always be cases where you need a pc. The only thing that can kill PC gaming is the above but letting you link consoles like SLI with each one up to 4 rendering a corner or half or the screen SFR baked into current API also.

18 Aug 2014
I think PC gaming is doomed long term. My son loves it but all his mates use consoles. He's the only PC gamer in his group. One of his mates tried to get into PC's but he couldn't afford a decent one so sent it back and bought an XBox instead.
And this is one of the reasons PC gaming is not doomed. Seems to be a maturer audience than console.
Especially when you get kids screaming the C word at you, only to hear his mum give him (what sounded like ) a crack round the head
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