Surreal thing happened to me today...

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29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
I've often wondered what I'd do in this situation. Nothing like it has ever happened to me.

Would my human nature and instinct to help someone in distress outweigh the other instinct to stay out of danger/protect my self in case the assailant is armed, or I end up getting hurt as well or instead of their victim? I just don't know...

If several people went to help at once I would be much more likely to assist because of the near certainty that together we would be able to overpower them, but as mentioned earlier in the thread, the bystander effect means that is highly unlikely to happen.

I notice that in videos where someone has had a very bad car crash, there is always a long pause, before one person runs over to help. And then several people follow suit almost instantaneously, but would likely have just sat there had that one person not "broken through" the bystander effect.
18 Feb 2006
"You know what dude, you are right. Sod the fact that I'm in the middle of a clampdown organised by my employer. I've changed my mind - on you go and have a nice day. **** the system!"

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Perhaps they could do a crackdown on crimes that people actually care about? Rather then worry about a 200 year old law that is well past its due date. This copper wouldn't have got beaten up and this man could have gone on with his day in peace. Unfortunately our government is all too consumed with Brexit to do anything about it (not that our unrepresentative representatives would care about doing something useful to help our zero emissions target).
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
We just going to ignore the fact that it's their job that they are trained and equipped for, but not mine? I'm not generally wearing anti-stab vests for a start.

Also that nobody forced them to be a cop.

And nobody forced this particular cop to get into a fight over a scooter ;)

So if it was just some member of the public getting beaten by a big guy, you'd help? Literally because it was a Policeman, you wouldn't. Seems odd to me.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
So if it was just some member of the public getting beaten by a big guy, you'd help? Literally because it was a Policeman, you wouldn't. Seems odd to me.
You have some very deeply ingrained stereotypes. Can little guys not be the aggressor? Are all big guys spoiling for fights?
Do all house burglars wear stripey t-shirts and eyemasks where you come from, carrying swag bags?

If the policeman asks for help, you help if you feel comfortable and capable. It's not difficult at all.
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
You have some very deeply ingrained stereotypes. Can little guys not be the aggressor? Are all big guys spoiling for fights?
Do all house burglars wear stripey t-shirts and eyemasks where you come from, carrying swag bags?

If the policeman asks for help, you help if you feel comfortable and capable. It's not difficult at all.

You're making assumptions. I never said which was the aggressor. One is down and injured and another is beating on him.
23 May 2006
Look at you drones.

Conditioned to kneel to the tool of the oppressive, fascist state.
You should run to the aid of the comrade, not the hired goon.

if you are joking and i am missing it fair enough... if serious however, I take it if you get burgled or you child gets abducted or your partner assaulted then, you wont be calling those fascist hired goons to help then?.

maybe this is not you in which case, apologies but thought life most of us will have seen those people happy to use the term "fascist" ever time they do not get their own way or someone tells them what to do, but their tune almost invariably changes when they are in need of help from authority.... a bit like when animal rights people attack medical research places are often (not always) happy to accept medically tested drugs when they, or someone they love is suddenly in need.
17 Feb 2006
So if it was just some member of the public getting beaten by a big guy, you'd help? Literally because it was a Policeman, you wouldn't. Seems odd to me.
Bears no resemblance to anything I actually said.

The probability of me wading into any fight between strangers is extremely low to non-existent.
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
Bears no resemblance to anything I actually said.

I disagree. Your whole point was about we should take into consideration he was a policeman.

**EDIT** I guess to be more accurate, I didn't say you said that, I asked a question of you. Fine, you say you wouldn't get involved in any case. You're still suggesting the fact he's a policeman should factor into whether someone helps him or not.
17 Feb 2006
I disagree. Your whole point was about we should take into consideration he was a policeman.
Nope. Specifically I mentioned the training and the equipment the he would have had as a member of the Police; also that it's part of his job. But that doesn't just apply to the Police.

I also mentioned the military, and we can include bouncers and security guards in this too if you like.

Certain groups of people are trained and equipped to deal with conflict.

Would you help a bouncer restrain someone? Would you go to Afghanistan and help clear mines? In your jeans and T-shirt and using a wooden stick?
8 Nov 2006
The Police don't choose which laws are sensible or stupid though. Electric scooters are currently illegal. Police are having a publicised crackdown on electric scooters for a number of reasons, including a recent fairly high profile death.
Ergo, being stopped for riding an illegal electric scooter should not be a surprise to the rider, regardless of how unfair he believes this law to be.

"Oh come on copper, riding an electric scooter isn't really that bad a crime, I didn't kill anyone!"

"You know what dude, you are right. Sod the fact that I'm in the middle of a clampdown organised by my employer. I've changed my mind - on you go and have a nice day. **** the system!"

Not. Gonna. Happen.

The police are paid to enforce even the most stupid laws and have a massive organisation to protect them when they do end up breaking the law (which they often do). Expecting the public to help out voluntarily as some do in this thread is the ridiculous bit.

This whole public exercise is a farce. There is zero benefit and it pretends to make it look like police officers are successfully doing their job when they could spend their time going after things that actually matter.
14 Oct 2012
I don't have a clue what I would actually do if put in this situation. I am too skinny to be able to restrain someone, or fight :D
8 Nov 2006
Who has done that in this thread? Are you seriously saying " if you don't like a law break it and assault any policeman trying to enforce it"?

This thread is nothing to do with the scooter

If what you seem to be intimating is correct, being a traffic warden would be a very high risk job! ;)

Many are saying we shouldn't idly stand by but instead help the police officer enforce an anjust judgement of illegality.

I never said we should attack police officers. The police officer attacked the scooter rider from the sounds of things and started losing from the sounds of things even though the rider was just walking away. I bet the police officer broke their own finger from clinging on like a child.
16 May 2019
I'm trained in martial arts, but honestly in situations like the one you were in I still wouldn't have done anything unless the attacker came after me, so kudos to you for doing something.

Maybe if the guy started pummelling the officer then I would step in.
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
Nope. Specifically I mentioned the training and the equipment the he would have had as a member of the Police; also that it's part of his job. But that doesn't just apply to the Police.

I also mentioned the military, and we can include bouncers and security guards in this too if you like.

**EDIT** Actually, nevermind. as someone else says, I'll bow out of the discussion. I think/hope a lot of people are just trolling.

Certain groups of people are trained and equipped to deal with conflict.

Would you help a bouncer restrain someone? Would you go to Afghanistan and help clear mines? In your jeans and T-shirt and using a wooden stick?

Look back at what I quoted, where is mention of the military? Please don't make things up.

If a bouncer was down and being beaten by someone, yes, why wouldn't you help if you felt you could? To me you have some odd logic.
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