What if I shot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow in York city walls?

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Is there any evidence of these urban legends ever being law? They're certainly not law now, obviously, but were they ever actually law? There were some local laws in England intended to cover attacks by Scottish or Welsh people, but that's not really the same thing. Many of the "crazy laws in England" things are either misinterpretations or just urban myths.

On the subject of odd things that really are laws, like these:

[..] It is illegal to carry a plank along a pavement (as well as any ladder, wheel, pole, cask, placard, showboard, or hoop) in the Metropolitan Police District

[..] It is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances

It is illegal to drive to Church on a Sunday and the penalty is to have your car impounded. (Nobody enforces this nowadays but could do)

One that definitely doesnt exist anymore is that its legal to urinate in a policeman’s helmet if you are pregnant. That went some time ago.

I love stuff like this.

you might like this video. The dastardly scoundrels break 10 laws, including carrying a plank and handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances.

- But can you suspiciously handle a salmon in non-suspicious circumstances? [..]

Yes, that's OK. As long as the circumstances aren't suspicious, you're OK to suspiciously handle salmon. But not sturgeon because those are all the property of the monarch because reasons. The moral of the story is to make sure you can correctly identify fish. I'd be in trouble because I have no idea how a sturgeon and a salmon differ in appearance.
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10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
Kinda lighthearted, but serious at the same time - you have to be careful when you post Welshman / Scotsman. Irishman-type jokes on here!

I got suspended for 2 days a few years back. Queried it with the Dons on the "Forum Content Discussion", and basically it's classed as ethnic jokes which are racist which is a 2-day suspension.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Kinda lighthearted, but serious at the same time - you have to be careful when you post Welshman / Scotsman. Irishman-type jokes on here!

I got suspended for 2 days a few years back. Queried it with the Dons on the "Forum Content Discussion", and basically it's classed as ethnic jokes which are racist which is a 2-day suspension.

Which is irrational because it's about nationality, not "race". Unless, of course, the person making that classification believes that only people of the appropriate "race" can have a particular nationality. Which could well be considered racist in itself.

If you did a DNA analysis, I'd be willing to bet it would be impossible to definitively determine from it whether a person was English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish even if you're sampling only from people for whom every ancestor for the past 1000 years has been from this archipelago.
26 May 2009
Apparently, it's legal, so, would I get away with it?
No because it's not legal. Basically it's a law (one of many) that was never repealed because it was superseded by a later law that invalidated it.

There are many many cases of this as repealing every obsolete law would be a very time consuming affair and so in these situation the legal system relies on the person trying to follow the laws of the land not being an idiot.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
No because it's not legal. Basically it's a law (one of many) that was never repealed because it was superseded by a later law that invalidated it.

There are many many cases of this as repealing every obsolete law would be a very time consuming affair and so in these situation the legal system relies on the person trying to follow the laws of the land not being an idiot.

That's true, but there's another relevant thing about this law - there doesn't seem to be any evidence it ever existed. It's possible that there might have been a law something like it at some point in time during one of the periods of more active conflict between England and Scotland, but while it often appears in list of bizarre laws it's never supported by evidence.

There's a similar claim for Chester and Welsh people. That one's different because there is evidence...but it's not as it's claimed to be. For a brief period during a rebellious time, Welsh people were officially not allowed in Chester at night. It wasn't an "anyone can kill them on sight" order, it was a "they can be arrested" order. There's no record of anyone being executed for it (or punished at all, as far as I know) and Chester elected a Welsh man as mayor of the city (a genuinely powerful position in those days) a few years later. So it looks like the law wasn't enforced even at the time.
27 Mar 2013
Is there any evidence of these urban legends ever being law? They're certainly not law now, obviously, but were they ever actually law? There were some local laws in England intended to cover attacks by Scottish or Welsh people, but that's not really the same thing. Many of the "crazy laws in England" things are either misinterpretations or just urban myths.

On the subject of odd things that really are laws, like these:

you might like this video. The dastardly scoundrels break 10 laws, including carrying a plank and handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances.

Yes, that's OK. As long as the circumstances aren't suspicious, you're OK to suspiciously handle salmon. But not sturgeon because those are all the property of the monarch because reasons. The moral of the story is to make sure you can correctly identify fish. I'd be in trouble because I have no idea how a sturgeon and a salmon differ in appearance.
If you imported a sturgeon from another country (not the scottish woman:p, outside the uk), does it then become property of the monarch?
9 Jul 2003
“Right, so he was carrying the bow and arrow, yet somehow, he’s the one who got shot with an arrow. That’s your version of events?”

“errrrm....yes?” :p

I was just outside practising my archery skills as I do every Sunday officer (like any good Englishman) when this crazed Scotsman came running straight at me shouting "Freedom!!". How was I to know it was the local film club having a Mel Gibson themed event.
27 Apr 2013
Post Norman invasion, it's been getting ever less likely to find true-blooded examples of anyone from the native nations.

Not really true, the overwhelming majority of UK citizens are relatively "pure" because there was no major influx of outsiders after the migration people. Certainly the Norse had a genetic impact, but it was relatively small. The Normans much less still. It wasn't until the 1950's we started to see large numbers of outsiders arrive again and it only became absurd in the 00's.
11 Sep 2013
Not really true, the overwhelming majority of UK citizens are relatively "pure" because there was no major influx of outsiders after the migration people. Certainly the Norse had a genetic impact, but it was relatively small. The Normans much less still. It wasn't until the 1950's we started to see large numbers of outsiders arrive again and it only became absurd in the 00's.
The Normans included Norse anyway. But you also have the native Britons intermingled with Picts, Celts, Gaels, Franks, and whatever the Romans brought with them, all before the English types even arrived. Various studies argue, but generally they reckon only about 30% of current UK-native DNA is Germanic English... and it also depends which part of the UK you're testing. The Orkneys are far more Scandi than Wiltshire or Northumbria.
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