Poll: Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2021, Jeddah - Race 21

Rate the 2021 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix out of ten

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15 Feb 2003
I think the FIA are just desperate for Max to win the championship.

I'm not normally one for the conspiracy theories but after the last few races, the alternative explanations are getting weaker and weaker...

I completely disagree. Lewis and Merc are the best ambassadors they have and have had in the championship for some time. I believe the bias you believe you are seeing is just pure ineptitude
Transmission breaker
20 Oct 2002
In a house
I completely disagree. Lewis and Merc are the best ambassadors they have and have had in the championship for some time. I believe the bias you believe you are seeing is just pure ineptitude

Its one or the other, and I am not sure which is worse.

Max is undoubtedly a HUGE talent, but he is being led down the wrong path. The end result is we are being robbed of great racing as the FIA are continually getting it wrong somehow, and the RB team are encouraging the (w)recklessness. Max will find himself tainted outside of any partisan support from his countrymen.

Sure, he is box office, but so is Michael Bay. It does not mean he makes good films..
20 Oct 2002
There needs to be some rule changes next season to avoid this mess. Scrap the free tyre change during a red flag and introduce something where if you're told to yield a position, you can't overtake for (x) corners/laps, or the car told to yield must leave a minimum time gap before racing again.
Totally agree. I liked Lando's comment on the red flag tyre change. You could tell he was so ****ed off but held it together to make his point.

I was thinking the same about letting people back last too. Surely it'd be an easy rule to say you have to let them past and stay behind for 2 corners or something? As it stands is there even a rule that stops you from letting them edge in front ("there he's in front") then taking it back? Seems a big grey area and rather a joke with DRS in play.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I completely disagree. Lewis and Merc are the best ambassadors they have and have had in the championship for some time. I believe the bias you believe you are seeing is just pure ineptitude

The FIA want someone new to win. They want a more exciting sport that attracts more fans and makes more money. Lets be honest as well. If RB and Max dominate the sport for a few years, they won't have any issues. The reason its such a mess at the moment is because you have a horribly toxic team in RB competing tooth and nail for a championship. Perhaps if the tables were turned, Mercedes would be doing exactly the same thing but as it is, they have largely cruised to the title the last 7 years.

Its always easy to be nice when you are winning and its even easier when you are so much better than everyone else that its not even a competition.

People have said that Lewis took this race and last one with a relaxed attitude after the races. Well of course he did. Ultimately he won them. I can 100% assure you that he would have been complaining bitterly if either of Max's **** ups in these races lost him the race.

Outside of F1 i'm not Lewis' biggest fan but I really hope he wins this year just so that Max can reflect on what a **** he has been and what it actually earned him other than the loss of respect from a lot of people. I liked Max at the start of the season. Not anymore. The guy is dangerous and the FIA have very much shown him preferential treatment.
10 Jul 2008
My son watched this with me and he's completely neutral as doesn't follow F1 but I had it on loud and was engrossed which I think rubbed off on him. As I was explaining everything to him I realised how ridiculous everything was and just got more annoyed at the state of it all. At the end of the race he asked me why Max cheats. I tried to simplify the answer..." Because he can".
I think the issue is the poor handling by the FIA and stewards. They have not seen a driver like this and the penalties they can give do not always fit the crime. I think we DO now need to consider possible outcomes which would have occurred as that's the whole reason these things occur. We don't want made up "what would have been" podiums, but I don't see an alternative. If someone takes someone out of the race who would have won deliberately, they should have a very harsh pen and/or the person who would have got first have their points reinstated, if it is deemed that in all probability they would most likely have gone on to win it.

The system of time penalty doesn't work for the majority of the time as the leaders are too far ahead.

There's just so much wrong with the handling of the VSC, SC, red flag, bidding live on radio for switching positions, allowing the recklessness to creep in unpunished.... They have totally lost control. You can feel the fear in Massi as he tries to deal with Redbull, like he's scared of them.

If I was Lewis and got the 8th, I would retire or state not to want to race until they sorted it out, or atleast assured that the dangerous driving will stop. It's not funny when a fireball accident occurs or someone gets properly hurt.
6 Aug 2010
They were both playing chicken with the DRS zone so yeh they are both at fault just Max was messing around more. Its hilarious that some people here think that what Lewis was doing was totally acceptable as if in any other race or any other part of the track he wouldn't have been past him in an instant.

Enough of the games really its obvious they are both well and truly in each other heads and that the title fight coming down like this has made both teams behave poorly.

They both were trying to get an advantage but there’s an absolute gulf of a difference between not wanting to overtake someone (especially given Hamilton didn’t know why he was slowing down) and checking your mirrors for your opponent and then standing in the brakes.

The first is gamesmanship, the second is just dangerous.
Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
I've got zero sympathy for any driver moaning about the Red Flag rules; as Norris himself said its the rules and they know that; if there hadn't been a red Verstappen and everyone else who gambled would have lost big time; its one of those things.
Yes we can agree its probably a stupid rule and it should really be changed so that damage can be repaired (including damaged tyres) but its been there for a while now and other drivers have either gained or been caught out by it before (as they were yesterday)
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Weird race, tbh. The first part was farcical with the two reds. Then Max's various shenanigans. Still, there was a lot more actual track action than I expected here, and it was certainly exciting. +1 for Bottas' finish line pass too.

7/10 for me.

It's a great setup for an epic finale next weekend, we just have to hope it isn't ended by Max behaving badly. Interesting to see him booed here, looks like fans are turning on him.

Leclerc has outhauled Norris too, that's going to be one to watch in Abu Dhabi. Bottas has now secured third over Pérez, hasn't he?
Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
I can see Max ramming him off the road like in Monza.

Although compared to Senna and Schumacher I don't think he will get away with it in this day and age.

They set the precedent with Schumacher in 1997 (and he didn't even managed to take Villeneuve out) there's no way any driver gets away with a Senna/Prost/Schumacher move these days
13 Jan 2010
As a neutral having slept now I feel I would rather Lewis win this rather than max.

As much as Id love merc to be knocked off the top and some change I just feel race by race redbull and particularly max are slipping down in my respect. Not that it matters obviously.

I like how toto and Lewis handle things, the media, the pressure etc. Compared to horner and red bull.

One seems very positive, professional, the other has always seemed fairly negative but the recent desperation is manifesting in very negative ways. Max looked almost in tears in the post race interviews.

Genuinely wondering if he'd boot Hamilton off the track. And what stewards would do about it?

Surely this is Hamiltons to win now barring reliability/incident/scandal?

Red bull know it. But can't do anything about it. I empathise with it. It. Must be horrible seeing that lead slip away. Reminds me of the Renault WDC/WCC back in 06 with ferrari closing in every race after the removal of the mass dampner. As a long time endstone supporter that was a hard watch. This feels exactly the same.
17 Jul 2010
Max is a great driver. He goes for it. On the edge. I like that. Others are scared of his driving. Its racing.

Be good to see Ham win 8th title but, i prefer Max to win. Be great to have a new champ.
On the edge and many, many times over it too. Take the first corner stramash, his first thought wasn’t rejoining the track safely, it was trying to block Lewis from getting past. Same again later in the race and the same several times this season too. Max has turned into a dirty driver thanks to his father, Horner and Marco in his ear all the time. If he were sensible he’ll get out of Red Bull soon and get rid of his dad too before his whole legacy is tainted forever.



9 Apr 2004
Max is a great driver. He goes for it. On the edge. I like that. Others are scared of his driving. Its racing.

Be good to see Ham win 8th title but, i prefer Max to win. Be great to have a new champ.

I think ths issue is whether he is "on the edge" or "over the edge", in a number of recent events its over the edge. If every driver drove like Max those who qualified in 10th or lower would be the likely winners as all the others would end up taking each other off.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
They set the precedent with Schumacher in 1997 (and he didn't even managed to take Villeneuve out) there's no way any driver gets away with a Senna/Prost/Schumacher move these days

The problem with Max is he has it down to an art. He will not ram him off but will make sure neither will make the corner unless the other driver yields which is not right.

He done it at Monza, Silverstone and several times yesterday. Unless the FIA punish those behaviours it will continue to be done. I can remember when drivers used to weave all over the place then the rule was made that you could only make one defensive move and stick to it.

They need to do something similar like that where if you are not attempting to make the bend but simply blocking the other driver from making a corner then the position should be given back. It is no different to body checking in football.
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