Mouse and keyboard problems (saitek gamers' and g7)

15 Jan 2004
Bought both of these off OCUK a couple of months back. At the time I didn't realise that the "gamers'" was actually going to be worse than a default microsoft one, as it doesn't seem to support 3 keys in the area of the arrow keys being pressed at once (I use arrows for movement, so if I want to walk diagonally - up, left and / for me - it won't have it). Any suggestions? Or is it fork out again?

Any more pressing is the G7 problem, which didn't exist at first. In the last couple of weeks it has started to stop responding for 5/6 seconds at a time. At first this was every 10/15 minutes, but it's now happening every 2/3. It just freezes for 5 seconds, then flies off to where you've since moved it and carries on as normal. I've tried several surfaces (none any different to what I was using before when it worked fine) and it seems to be getting worse. What makes it more insulting (apart from the fact it's a £60 mouse...) is that it's sat about 25cm from the base unit, at the same height level. Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it a known problem? Else I'm gonna have to RMA it as, like I say, it's getting worse.
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