The thing is that this is a cultural and religious affectation, it isn't done for medical least not in the modern world anyway.
Like I said earlier, on a personal level I see why people are opposed to it, I am opposed to it personally, I think it is something that no longer has a religious justification.....but objectively we need to consider that this is not new, it has been going on for thousands of years, over 1/3 of the worlds men are reported to be circumcised and while modern ideas on personal freedom are important, it should also be considered in the wider context of cultural differences and the rights we have to impose one cultures set of values upon another culture and it should be mentioned that while some individual medical professionals are vocally opposed, the BMA and GMC are not.
The important thing here is too make sure that those who are circumcised are done so in proper clinical environments and every care is taken to ensure there are no complications....and if we can encourage and persuade people to alter their traditional views on their own terms then all the better....banning it will only create more problems and put more children at risk as other less reliable sources are sought to do the procedure.