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The AMD Driver Thread

I'm really enjoying TW3 but i too think the graphics is a bit meh. The grass and foliage especially looks kinda crappy. Also Matt, when i play GTA5 my first card will only be running at about 80% utilisation but my second card runs at 99-100%. Do you know of anything that could cause that?

I used to have this issue with my 7970's and it was to do with ULPS and how the cards reported usage when they "woke up". The solutions are to tick Afterburner's "Unifed Usage" option, which then shows card 1's usage as the usage for both cards, or disable ULPS and allow the second card to show it's true usage, but not go to sleep when not required. Personally, I ignored it and then upgraded to 290's when my 7970's died and the issue never showed with the 290's.
So I just got GTA V on PC with 2x r290x graphics cards, running 15.5 beta drivers.

Whats the best settings to use for 2560x1600 res? Also it says 8gb mem available for video ram, is it really (i.e. can i keep upping the settings to fill that) OR is it really 4gb and i should only use settings to 4gb ram ?

Sorry iv no clue, thanks guys
Anyone not impressed with the witcher 3 graphics is doing it wrong :D get those ini tweaks happening! Its the most impressing looking open world game iv ever seen once I slapped a sweet fx profile on it and went nuts on the ini tweaks. The foliage itself looks spectacular and dense.
So I just got GTA V on PC with 2x r290x graphics cards, running 15.5 beta drivers.

Whats the best settings to use for 2560x1600 res? Also it says 8gb mem available for video ram, is it really (i.e. can i keep upping the settings to fill that) OR is it really 4gb and i should only use settings to 4gb ram ?

Sorry iv no clue, thanks guys

You can pretty much turn everything up in the main graphics section except put Grass and Tess on HIGH (not ultra... no visual difference just hit on fps).

use FXAA or override with your own AA from ccc if you want.. or use sweetfx for smaa and such. MSAA in game takes a huge hit and really doesn't help as well for the cost.

In the advanced graphics turn on extended shadows, but I'd leave everything else alone unless you have a beast CPU.
So I just got GTA V on PC with 2x r290x graphics cards, running 15.5 beta drivers.

Whats the best settings to use for 2560x1600 res? Also it says 8gb mem available for video ram, is it really (i.e. can i keep upping the settings to fill that) OR is it really 4gb and i should only use settings to 4gb ram ?

Sorry iv no clue, thanks guys

I simply put all the normal-section graphics settings to the highest they could go, except for MSAA (this can cause graphics issues at present) which I turned off in favour of FXAA. The shadow one I set to the AMD CHS setting (I think that's what it's called). This gave me 60FPS in the city and 45-55FPS in the country. I've since turned the grass setting down by 1 notch and the performance in the country has now improved to 50-60FPS and is much smoother.

I did originally try turning on some of the advanced-section graphics, such as long shadows and enhanced flying view distance, but my frame rate really suffered and it went very stuttery when driving around. Turned all these off and performance was fine again, I didn't notice much difference graphics wise, so have simply left all these off.

This is at 5760x1080 with 2 x 4GB 290's, so should be pretty much the same for you I would've thought at your res. Can't remember what my GPU memory slider showed, I'm afraid, and still at work so can't check for a few hours.
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Anyone not impressed with the witcher 3 graphics is doing it wrong :D get those ini tweaks happening! Its the most impressing looking open world game iv ever seen once I slapped a sweet fx profile on it and went nuts on the ini tweaks. The foliage itself looks spectacular and dense.

THIS!!!! I just posted some ini tweaks to get people started too (in the w3 thread). Incredible looking game!
So I just got GTA V on PC with 2x r290x graphics cards, running 15.5 beta drivers.

Whats the best settings to use for 2560x1600 res? Also it says 8gb mem available for video ram, is it really (i.e. can i keep upping the settings to fill that) OR is it really 4gb and i should only use settings to 4gb ram ?

Sorry iv no clue, thanks guys

It doubles for the 2 cards but doesnt really do that.

U can max it out. Will inly use 4gb vram if it says 8gb
You can pretty much turn everything up in the main graphics section except put Grass and Tess on HIGH (not ultra... no visual difference just hit on fps).

use FXAA or override with your own AA from ccc if you want.. or use sweetfx for smaa and such. MSAA in game takes a huge hit and really doesn't help as well for the cost.

In the advanced graphics turn on extended shadows, but I'd leave everything else alone unless you have a beast CPU.

I simply put all the normal-section graphics settings to the highest they could go, except for MSAA (this can cause graphics issues at present) which I turned off in favour of FXAA. The shadow one I set to the AMD CHS setting (I think that's what it's called). This gave me 60FPS in the city and 45-55FPS in the country. I've since turned the grass setting down by 1 notch and the performance in the country has now improved to 50-60FPS and is much smoother.

I did originally try turning on some of the advanced-section graphics, such as long shadows and enhanced flying view distance, but my frame rate really suffered and it went very stuttery when driving around. Turned all these off and performance was fine again, I didn't notice much difference graphics wise, so have simply left all these off.

This is at 5760x1080 with 2 x 4GB 290's, so should be pretty much the same for you I would've thought at your res. Can't remember what my GPU memory slider showed, I'm afraid, and still at work so can't check for a few hours.

This is awesome thanks guys.

Also I have got GPUZ running on another monitor for both GPU's and it seems the game IS NOT using crossfire even though it should be :confused: - I tried over riding the 'built in profile' and forcing it but it didnt do anything, one GPU is 100% the other is 0% (crossfire mode default)

Any ideas ? is 15.5 nerfed?
This is awesome thanks guys.

Also I have got GPUZ running on another monitor for both GPU's and it seems the game IS NOT using crossfire even though it should be :confused: - I tried over riding the 'built in profile' and forcing it but it didnt do anything, one GPU is 100% the other is 0% (crossfire mode default)

Any ideas ? is 15.5 nerfed?

Pretty sure 15.5 isn't a legit driver, just a random leak. Get the official beta 15.4.1 drivers

This is awesome thanks guys.

Also I have got GPUZ running on another monitor for both GPU's and it seems the game IS NOT using crossfire even though it should be :confused: - I tried over riding the 'built in profile' and forcing it but it didnt do anything, one GPU is 100% the other is 0% (crossfire mode default)

Any ideas ? is 15.5 nerfed?

Gpuz screws up crossfire with gta v causes 100% , 0% usage swap and micro stutter.

Use msi afterburner
Yep working amazing now TBF - insane frame rates using the above suggested settings :D

May even up the advanced settings see what happens :p

Glad to hear it.

I keep most advanced settings off, but you can experiment with Long Shadows and Extended Shadow Distance without too much impact on performance. Aside from those though, I'd recommend leaving them off.

These settings work flawlessly for me at 1440P. :)





I run the same settings as above at 4K but with AA disabled.
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AMD Catalyst 15.5 Beta Driver for Windows OS out now

Hello everyone,

Click here (www.amd.com/beta) to download the driver.


Crossfire Profiles updates for:
• The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Performance Improvements for the following:
• The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt: Up to 10% performance increase on single GPU Radeon R9 and R7 Series graphics products
• Project Cars - Up to 17% performance increase on Radeon R9 and R7 Series graphics products

Known Issues:
• The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt: Crossfire users may experience poor performance or random flickering. As a workaround we suggest disabling Anti-Aliasing from the game’s video - post processing settings. If the issues persist further, we suggest disabling Crossfire while we continue to work with CD Projekt Red to resolve this issue.
• Project CARS: Corruption may be observed if Anti-Aliasing is set to DS2M. As a workaround we suggest using a different Anti-Aliasing setting.

Please refer to the Release Notes for more information.

For instructions on how to uninstall or install the AMD Catalyst Software Suite, you may refer to the following support resources:

How-To Uninstall AMD Catalyst™ Drivers From A Windows® Based System
How-To Install AMD Catalyst™ Drivers For A Windows® Based System

Please make sure to read the Known Issues sections to learn more about this version of the driver and use the Issue Reporting Form to report any bugs – Thank you!

Optimizing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Performance on AMD Radeon™ Graphics

Further to installing Catalyst 15.5 Beta, there are additional manual steps AMD Radeon™ customers can take to improve the performance of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Please refer to the following KB support page in order to ensure you get the best possible experience in The Witcher 3.
So I assume there will be a further optimisation for the witcher? Not great if aa needs to be disabled. I guess we could be waiting a while for another update. Still no sign of my Freesync drivers for crossfire? The green side looks more and more tempting :(
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