Fantasitic 4 : Rise of the Silver surfer Trailer

18 Oct 2002
Swindon. =)
Fantastic 4 : Rise of the Silver surfer Trailer

I did look but couldn't see it anywhere on here so a heads up for the new trailier.

F4: Silver dood!

Edit: ok so i managed to type Fantastic wrong! :(
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i wonder if Galactus is going to be in it or are they going to do another one after this with him in should be good no matter what :)
steveo said:
i wonder if Galactus is going to be in it or are they going to do another one after this with him in should be good no matter what :)

Tom Rothman, Chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment, has confirmed that Galactus will also appear in the film

Taken from here


Sufer's looking good.
El Gringo said:
I was under the impression that the Silver Surfer was a good guy...

According to wiki he agreed to serve some dude who eats planets in order to save his own. AFAIK he turned on his master at a later date and worked with the Fantastic 4 to stop him.
Although everything I know of the silver surfer is from a few of the cartoons years ago so I don't know how accurate that is.
El Gringo said:
I was under the impression that the Silver Surfer was a good guy...

he started out good on his home planet but when his boss turned him he kind of went of the edge :(
Raikiri said:
Although everything I know of the silver surfer is from a few of the cartoons years ago so I don't know how accurate that is.

Same as, but I think they were able to trick Galactus into leaving. Don't know how they'll play it in the movie though.
z0mbi3 said:
Same as, but I think they were able to trick Galactus into leaving. Don't know how they'll play it in the movie though.

i think the silver surfer stood with the ff4 to take on his boss i think galactus gave up but made the silver surfer stay on earth as punishment but he also wiped the ss mind clear of his home worlds locations with galactus also moving it some place else, it think thats right what can i say its been a while reading them i might be wrong
From what ive seen of the silver surfer cartoons, he serves galactus at first, but then realises what he is doing and attempts to destroy galactus later on. Anyways, thx for the trailer, hopefully the film will be good. Silver surfer was always my fav :)
isnt the silver surfer supposed to be double hard?

sorry i am a dc guy...

silver surfer vs superman?
Yeah basically Galactus was going to eat some guys home planet but he managed to plead with Galactus somehow and Galactus agreed to spare his planet if he became his scout seeking out other suitable planets for Galactus to consume.

So Galactus gave him a portion of the power cosmic making this wee guy the Silver Surfer. The power cosmic basically means he can do virtually anything he wants and is almost invulnerable so probably the Marvel universe closest equivalent to Superman.
Also as part of his punishment for no longer being Galactus' herald, he can't leave the solar system.
wow i didnt even know about this

silver surfer has always been one of my favourite comic book characters since i was a kid

plus jessics alba :D
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