McCanns going too far?

Occam's razor
"All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the right one," or alternately, "we should not assert that for which we do not have some proof." In other words, when multiple competing theories are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the theory that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities (although this is not always the same as simplicity).

Family or stranger? Poll?
You couldn't turn on the news without hearing about how they had visited the Pope, or visited some tibetan monastery, opened a centre for wild dolphins etc ....

Don't forget that they were thinking of releasing a single - a cover of (Everything I Do), I Do It For You.

The McCanns also said they were considering releasing a cover version of Bryan Adams' hit song (Everything I Do) I Do It For You to raise money for their campaign.

"That song best reflects how Kate and I feel emotionally, and how determined we are to continue searching for Madeleine," he told Sky News.
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Personally I'm sick of hearing about it and mute/turn off the TV whenever they're mentioned. It's a terrible thing that's happened to this little girl but frankly the media need to shut up and stop speculating, let the police get on with their job etc. We all know what she looks like, no point keeping on about it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Utterly pathetic in my opinion.

Since when has it been humour to laugh at a missing/presumed dead child?


I wasn't laughing about the girl being missing. I was laughing at the way it exemplifies what the whole maddie case has descended into no thanks to the media and the type of pop culture that banner is instigating.
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Mrs. McCann is a somewhat cold person...

Well you know, she had to deal with 6 corpses right before jetting off on holiday...... as you do.....

Mr McCann now pushing so that he spend the "find Madeleine" fund on their legal expenses, best lawyer in Portugal doesn't come cheap....
What a complete joke this has turned out to be thousands upon thoustands of children go missing every year, why is this getting so much attention is absoloutly beyond me. I do hope we get some more information soon. So much damn heresay atm.
What a complete joke this has turned out to be thousands upon thoustands of children go missing every year, why is this getting so much attention is absoloutly beyond me. I do hope we get some more information soon. So much damn heresay atm.
Because the parents made sure the media new and followed them, to raise the chances of her being found. Who doesn't know the face of madaline? It was a very very clever thing for the parents to do. Assuming there innocent.
What a complete joke this has turned out to be thousands upon thoustands of children go missing every year, why is this getting so much attention is absoloutly beyond me. I do hope we get some more information soon. So much damn heresay atm.

Nice way to misrepresent facts there fella :rolleyes:

Thousands of children might go missing every year, but how many of them are 3 year olds who are presumed abducted?
Possibly, quite a few I'd say.

And presumably you have a source to back that up?

Was there not a lot of press attention for that little British girl who was kidnapped in Nigeria? Despite the parents staying quiet and not courting the media? But hey, lets conveniently forget about that because it undermines our argument about Pretty White Girl Syndrome and its cool and trendy to hate the Media and the McCanns.
Too soon?


(sorry if it's a repost)
And presumably you have a source to back that up?

Was there not a lot of press attention for that little British girl who was kidnapped in Nigeria? Despite the parents staying quiet and not courting the media? But hey, lets conveniently forget about that because it undermines our argument about Pretty White Girl Syndrome and its cool and trendy to hate the Media and the McCanns.

What's Pretty White Girl Syndrome?

I don't hate the McCanns, I just think they're a bloody pain in the arse. And they look shifty.

Yes, if I'd lost my daughter.... blah blah blah...

I still think they're annoying though.
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