Help me find a tie. (Slighty vague title edited...)

25 Oct 2002
.... a tie! :D

Starting a new job on monday and need a tie! never realy had the need for em before so only realy own the black funeral one :eek:

Also need a shirt to go with it :)
please please please steer clear of 'comedy' ties

next do reasonably good shirt/tie combos
Oh for godsake. Just pick a tie that matches your outfit, and comedy ties are what tools wear.
Sudden said:
Darn it! Was all set to tell you you're in the wrong forum :(
Never had the chance to do taht before :(

You want me to start another thread in motors so you can fulfil your life long dream? ;)
Ali said:
please please please steer clear of 'comedy' ties

next do reasonably good shirt/tie combos



so wanted that :cool:
The_blue said:
.... a tie! :D

Starting a new job on monday and need a tie! never realy had the need for em before so only realy own the black funeral one :eek:

Also need a shirt to go with it :)

Go to your local Moss Bross/Suit Company/Debenhams/Marks & Spencer.... store and buy a shirt/tie combo.

Job done.
go to marks and sparks or burtons - try not to go for anything too outrageous and you cant go wrong.
I quite like tie rack for ties. Their own, silk ones can be had for a tenner each or a pair of them for £18.

Got quite a few of them.
Not trying to sound rude but I'm going to have to ask, what job are you starting and what will be your responsibilities?

Would worry me if I employed any staff that weren’t able to purchase a simple shirt/tie without having to request help on an internet forum. :p
GSXRMovistar said:
Not trying to sound rude but I'm going to have to ask, what job are you starting and what will be your responsibilities?

Would worry me if I employed any staff that weren’t able to purchase a simple shirt/tie without having to request help on an internet forum. :p

Me too.

Like said above, go for the shirt tie combo, ask the people in the shop if it looks ok with your skin colour etc (i.e. I look like I have got jaundice if I wear a yellow shirt, so I steer clear of them). Also take into account where you are working (maybe for 2nd shirt/tie combo), if your in an office without air-con, go for the lighter colours in summer then if you get a bit sweaty with the heat you don't get big visible BO stains under your pits! :D

Next is always a good place to buy also, for about £20 you can get a shirt/tie combo.

Lastly, get about 5-8 shirts and about 4-5 ties now, then every 6mths, add another couple of shirts and a tie and throw out a couple of the more worn shirts (frayed collars/cuffs, pit stains etc). That way you don't have to fork out a mountain of cash every couple of years on a load of new shirts.
As long as you ain't got a 'Fat Neck' have a look at George in Asda... you can get Long/Short sleve shirt and Tie sets for £8... anything up to 18" collar (I'm an 18.5/19" collar and I found out last night they don't go up that big!! :mad: )

Failing that just try M&S, BHS or Top Man/Burtons for Shirt Tie Sets its easier than trying to match a Tie to a shirt!... Its been done for you!.. :cool:
As far as ties go, when I was in the Tailors the other day getting a new shirt and tie, he told me that stripey ties are the 'in' thing at the minute. He may have been trying to flog me a stripey tie but I've been a customer for a while and reckon he wasn't having me on. I walked out with a stripey tie and a purple shirt.

If you really haven't a clue go to Debenhams or Next and ask one of the sexy ladies to suggest something. The sexy ones usually have good taste and it's a good chance to get talking to them :cool: Failing that, go to a tailors and ask them to suggest something.
Scuzi said:
Failing that, go to a tailors and ask them to suggest something.

But they're not usually Sexeh Ladies in my local Tailors!.. :confused: :( ( :D )

Strangly My Missus came home the other night with 5 new ties for me... All of em Stripey!.. :cool:
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