Man stabs another after he fails to wash his hands...

2 Nov 2004

You may think this is excessive. Personally I think you should wash your hands...

FORT WORTH, Texas -- Police say personal hygiene led to a bloody brawl outside a Texas tavern.

Fort Worth investigators say a fight broke out near the Tumbleweeds Sports Bar on Thursday after a customer thought another had failed to wash his hands after using the bathroom.

Witnesses say the customer confronted the man and two of his friends, calling them names and telling them they were dirty. Witnesses say the man threatened to "slash their throats."
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Police say the man then hid in a shrub outside of the bar and charged the group as they left.

Authorities say one man is hospitalized with stab wounds.

A 27-year-old suspect has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.
Nothing so professional as catching one of your colleagues or professors coming out of the toilet as you enter, and see them not wash their hands.

Seriously guys... what the hell.
phykell said:
I can't stand it either when people don't wash their hands and I've been known to mention it to offenders. :D

The amount of blokes that I notice who don't do it though is quite disturbing. I'd say it's about 80% of all blokes on a night out.

I dunno what it is, but I HAVE to wash my hands after using the toilet. Perhaps I've been conditioned into it after all these years :p
I see absoloutley nothing wrong with trying to murder somone because they dont wash their hands....

This level of Hygine is a Victorain concept and very over rated in most cases.


BUt seriosuly whats disgusting about it ??? its your pecker, its sterile urine.
Then you go pull a random women and spend the night half way down her throat (or more) and thats not??? Get a grip you clean freaks

(poster man not share same views and his fingers dictate ;) )
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scorza said:
If I don't wee on my hands I don't see why I should wash them afterwards :confused:

Addendum: you others have GOT to be joking surely? Just because you didn't pee on your hands you think you're clean?
I always wash when I do a poo but can't see the point with a wee.
My willy is clean and so is my wee wee.
I feel like killing people when they leave the toilet seat down to have a wee though.
Do you touch or hold your wang while urinating or do you let it hang free and **** on yourself? Stop being a dirty bugger and wash your hands.
Efour2 said:
BUt seriosuly whats disgusting about it ??? its your pecker, its sterile urine. Then you go pull a random women and spend the night half way down her throat (or more) and thats not??? Get a grip you clean freaks
I'll tell you what's really disgusting about it. You use the same facilities as the rest of us and you're not giving us a choice about sharing your germs. I don't give a toss how hygenic you are in your own home but if you're using public facilities, washing your hands should be mandatory and it's at least the only polite thing to do. It's called being civilised! :)
phykell said:

Addendum: you others have GOT to be joking surely? Just because you didn't pee on your hands you think you're clean?

No I ain't joking lol (well sometimes I wash 'em if say, the boss is in the bogs as well) - but how is touching your "wang" any dirtier than touching say, your face - and you don't wash your hands every time you scratch your chin do you?
dmpoole said:
I always wash when I do a poo but can't see the point with a wee.
My willy is clean and so is my wee wee.
I feel like killing people when they leave the toilet seat down to have a wee though.
Fine, if I ever meet you, I'll make sure I introduce myself after going to the toilet and not washing, by shaking your hand and asking you, "Guess what I was holding last?" :D
What I always laugh about washing hands is, you wash your hands then turn off the tap that you turned on with your "dirty" hands.

Adum said:
So you would happly go to the toilet, not wash your hands and eat afterwards?

yes - ive done it for 19 years and i'm not dead or have any dodgy ilnesses, heck i even eat after handling various garden composts, chemicals etc (one day i'll probably be killed from it but whatever doesnt kill you can only make you stronger right)

i dont go splashing my wang all over my hands when i pee do i - imo getting him out and aiming him is no different that i dunno - rubbing your finger for example ;)

if i've had a dump then yes, but not for a number 1 :)
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