
  1. kh85

    Most ideal PC for virtual machines

    Hey all, Can anyone advise me which pc might be ideal for a home lab enviroment where i could be using Hyper V or Virtual Box. This is just to create a lab enviroment where i'd have a few servers 2019 and some host vms windows 10. I was looking at the old hp z420, z600 variants with 64gb ram...
  2. Dar1437

    Fruit Machine VR?

    Apart from the Casino apps, does anyone think they'll do a VR of the current/ retro arcade machines? :)
  3. SkidMarkKing

    Virtual Phone Number

    Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a virtual local phone number, it will be used on my mobile phone only, no physical dedicated phone. Can you recommend any companies? I've seen offer one for £5.95 a month allowing me to select a phone number with my local area code. The only...
  4. pontecraig

    Home server for esxi

    Hi looking at getting a home server to do virtual labs on. Ive a couple of n54ls but looking for a resl server. Can anyone recommend anything i was looking at the ml110 g6 cheets
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