Paid £50 for mine ( then again i have a contact in the head office of a BIG reseller. She deals directly with activision/blizzard )
From what she told me unless you have already got one secured you are going to find it VERY hard to get a collectors edition. a lot of suppliers are promising copies they simply will never get just to try and secure some extra orders.... silly people.
She told me the pre allocations to all the large retailers and resellers was signed and sealed a while back, so if you have not preordered already you can forget it. Pretty much like the same deal as it was with the lich king collectors set. Any middle men or suppliers to small stores ( ie not national chains ) who claim to have loads of stock coming are simply lying.
All the large high street chains will have none on the shelves because, should a miracle happen and the number they have per store be more than the pre orders the staff, or friends of the staff will buy them to flog on ebay. They wont ever touch the shelves. ( same as always with wow collectors editions )
She said the situation is the same all over the place, so unless you were one of the first to pre order one in a high street, and im talking about 4 months ago or more, then forget it. As she told me there is not one store on her list that is getting anywhere near enough copies to cover the ones already pre ordered.
What makes me laugh is the purple highstreet store near me is still taking pre orders for it yet i KNOW for a fact that store is getting 5 copies ( my contact has already allocated that store's stock ) and according to the system she said the manager has nearly 100 pre orders taken. Going to be a lot of upset people on release day
As with all previous collectors editions its a fixed run and the initial stock is all there will ever be.