06 Daytona 675 start up issues

11 Aug 2012
S.E Wales
Posting this on behalf of me old man.

He has a 06 Triumph Daytona 675, nice bike, but he has issues when starting the bike after its warmed up.

When the bike is cold it fires up no problem, but after a drive and the bike has warned itself up, you try and start it and it doesn't fire up, sometimes it attempts to fire up and othertimes it just clicks once and that's it, it's as if it has a flat battery, but this is the second battery during his one year ownership to do it, so in the situation of stopping for petrol, he has to bump the bike to get it going.

But the silly thing is, it fires up perfectly as soon as the bike has cooled down.

I know nothing about bikes, but any info I can pass forward would be great.

Had the same issue on my 06 Daytona, it had to go into Triumph for the regulator/rectifier recall.
Unlikely to be a reg/rect issue. That would cause either a flat battery or one that's been boiled to death. If it works ok when it's cooled down the battery is clearly fine.

The starter not working when hot suggests either a problem with one of the high current connections (including grounds), the solenoid or the starter motor itself.
Wouldn't an overheated battery cause it? Too much output from rectifier? Once battery coolsdiwn its fine?

I'd certainly check it
Put 12v directly into the starter motor to rule this out, (use a thick wire!!!)

The click shows the low current circuit of the starter relay is working so maybe test the high current circuit of the starter relay. Hopefully just a new starter relay.

What is your resting battery voltage, cranking battery voltage (tested of the battery you are using directly into the starter, black to a ground on the bike red to the starter motor itself ) and also 4k battery voltage?
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