My friend is looking at getting a sensible newish car. He doesn't do too many miles, currently has a golf tdi after selling his boxster S.
He's after as new a car as possible, somewhere around the 50k max mileage mark that isn't boring like a golf tdi and has some sort of niceness around it.
The car doesn't have to be family friendly or anything else. Just a nice drive, nice car.
Sorry I can't be more exact but I don't think even he knows what he wants, so open to suggestions.
My friend is looking at getting a sensible newish car. He doesn't do too many miles, currently has a golf tdi after selling his boxster S.
He's after as new a car as possible, somewhere around the 50k max mileage mark that isn't boring like a golf tdi and has some sort of niceness around it.
The car doesn't have to be family friendly or anything else. Just a nice drive, nice car.
Sorry I can't be more exact but I don't think even he knows what he wants, so open to suggestions.