120Hz is it worth it?

10 Aug 2010
Just wondering peoples opinions on 120Hz. I'm not talking about 3D here. Just "normal" use including gaming etc...

Does it help? Is it noticeable?

I realise this is probably subjective, but I'd be interested to know what people think!
Just wondering peoples opinions on 120Hz. I'm not talking about 3D here. Just "normal" use including gaming etc...

Does it help? Is it noticeable?

I realise this is probably subjective, but I'd be interested to know what people think!

The difference between 60/75hz and 120hz is night and day, especially for FPS games. Having said that, I can notice the difference in almost all genre games. Even desktop browsing and mouse movement is smoother.
120Hz is nice for some things, but for other things very subjective, as a general rule I'd say most people would be better off with a nice IPS panel for general desktop useage and slower paced games, mmos, etc.

For fast paced FPS games especially online tho there is no substitute a 60Hz panel just doesn't cut it.
Its something ive been looking at as well, my current benq fp241w is getting on a bit, (P-MVA panel 60Hz). I play mainly fps such as bf3, cod etc.
I went from a Dell 2407 60Hz 1920x1200 WPA to the new Samsung 27'' 120Hz 1900x1080

OK the lower res is not great but the smoothness of the 120hz over the 60Hz is astounding, the biggest and noticable difference I have ever seen in any upgrade.

I play fast paced fps and I could never go back to 60Hz
Remember tho you need to be running above 60fps to get the benefits of 120Hz
I use a 75hz Viewsonic LCD and it is sooo much smoother in FPS games than my other 60hz LCD, so I can only imagine what 120hz would be like.
On a 60hz screen do people generally use vsync, especially for fps games, or does everyone put up with tearing?

It all depends on the game for me, I tend to use vsync on all my games except for Source based ones, I get terrible mouse lag on those games for some reason if vsync is enabled :(
120Hz is nice for some things, but for other things very subjective, as a general rule I'd say most people would be better off with a nice IPS panel for general desktop useage and slower paced games, mmos, etc.

For fast paced FPS games especially online tho there is no substitute a 60Hz panel just doesn't cut it.

When people talk about being much smoother in FPS games, what do they actually mean? Does it mean you see things faster? I've never experienced a 120Hz screen myself so it's hard to get my head around this.

I've got the 27" Hanns G and it seems alright for FPS games, I'm not great at them but just do them for fun. Still, at the back of my mind I am itching for an upgrade to either an IPS screen or a 120Hz.
Not to blow my own trumpet but I think this is summarised very well on the 'response times' section of our S27A750D review. :)
When people talk about being much smoother in FPS games, what do they actually mean? Does it mean you see things faster? I've never experienced a 120Hz screen myself so it's hard to get my head around this.

I've got the 27" Hanns G and it seems alright for FPS games, I'm not great at them but just do them for fun. Still, at the back of my mind I am itching for an upgrade to either an IPS screen or a 120Hz.

Theres 2 aspects to it for me - for one objects in fast motion are more in focus and less blurry than is typical on your average 60Hz panel which means I can react more efficently and faster - a lot of this is sub-conscious my brain tends to wait for a split second on 60Hz panels while it tries to work out the detail. The other is that stuff on screen seems to be a bit closer to my input - I find it quite noticeable how much less I think "I should have made that shot", etc. while playing on 120Hz compared to 60Hz.
Theres 2 aspects to it for me - for one objects in fast motion are more in focus and less blurry than is typical on your average 60Hz panel which means I can react more efficently and faster - a lot of this is sub-conscious my brain tends to wait for a split second on 60Hz panels while it tries to work out the detail. The other is that stuff on screen seems to be a bit closer to my input - I find it quite noticeable how much less I think "I should have made that shot", etc. while playing on 120Hz compared to 60Hz.

OK, thanks for the explanation, makes sense. Shame it's not so easy to set foot in a shop and see it for yourself. At least I can blame my very average FPS performance on my 60Hz screen now :cool: (though lag is a far bigger issue for me I think, it's ridiculous how I sometimes empty a whole magazine into someone only to be shot in 1 or 2 shots myself)
Glad you like it. :)

Really the main issues are ones that Rroff has already mentioned. Just thought maybe I could point you or others in the direction as I think they are explored in good detail in the review. I know it's very difficult to appreciate something like that if you haven't experienced it yourself which is why I try to be as descriptive as possible and give specific examples. ;)
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