120Hz LED gaming monitor

6 Oct 2011
I'm sorry if there already is a post like this but i couldnt seem to find 1 :)
i am looking to buy a 24" 120hz led monitor my budget is 300 euro ( im guessing around 270 pounds ) i was looking at the Ben-Q but heard it had some problems . i also looked at a samsung 23" ultra thin LED but it was too pricey :/
does someone recommend me a monitor .. pref LED (i heard it has better sharpness )

Can anyone explain how the 750 works? Does it use nvidias 3D vision for games or do you use Samsungs own software etc to produce the effect?
my BENQ has a band of backlight bleeding in the middle, disrupts dark scenes when in 3D mode:(

guess I was unlucky most people have better experiences.

doing it all again I might go for the asus model even though its a glossy panel which I dislike generally
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