14 year old arrested for bringing in homemade clock

truth is it's likely 99% of those posting in here haven't got a clue what a bomb really looks like.

I am the 1% ;)

It's all gone like this because the teacher asked him the time.

It was 9:11.

(Too soon?)

It's always too soon, don't you know? It happened in America therefore you can never make jokes about it...

Oh, and it must be forever remembered, unlike the millions of civilians Murka's murdered overseas.
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No, I didn't bring up the 99%.

you didn't bring up the 99%?? pretty sure you did.....

99% of people don't think it looks like a bomb, just you and handful of others. Most others realise that wires in case don't make a bomb.

I'm 99% certain you did ;)

You don't need to run a poll, ~50 people have posted in this thread, more than one has said it doesn't look like a bomb. Do you want a calculator?

99% of ~50 is ~49.5. so if more than ~half a person thought it looked like a bomb then, my friend, I think you need the calculator ;)

anyways I was only having a light hearted dig at where you pulled the 99% figure out of - which has now become clear :p
If bombsquad etc were not called in then I suspect the staff/police at the school knew or figured out pretty quickly it wasn't a bomb but instead thought it was probably going to be used in a hoax. A pretty serious offence.
Whether that's true or not no one knows besides the kid who, if he has any sense, will plead innocence.

If it was a white kid he'd be suspended the same and the world wouldn't bat an eyelid. Dunno, maybe it's a good thing the world is quick to defend the kid named Ahmed who may or may not have been about to make a bomb hoax.
besides the kid who, if he has any sense, will plead innocence.

Doesn't have to plead ****. He was detained and interrogated without being allowed a parent, guardian or legal representative present.

Mohamed, a freshman at MacArthur High School, insists he repeatedly asked officers to call his parents while being interrogated. Mohamed was questioned at the school, then taken in handcuffs to a juvenile detention center, where he was fingerprinted and interrogated without his parents present, according to police and Mohamed.

“A child may not be left unattended in a juvenile processing office and is entitled to be accompanied by the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian or by the child’s attorney,” Section 52.025 states.
Doesn't have to plead ****. He was detained and interrogated without being allowed a parent, guardian or legal representative present.

If he's been mistreated while detained and not given his rights that's obviously a bad thing.
Arresting him in the first place if they think he's making hoax devices is another.
you didn't bring up the 99%?? pretty sure you did.....

I'm 99% certain you did ;)

99% of ~50 is ~49.5. so if more than ~half a person thought it looked like a bomb then, my friend, I think you need the calculator ;)

anyways I was only having a light hearted dig at where you pulled the 99% figure out of - which has now become clear :p

Are you really this dense?

I suspect that if it looks like a bomb to 99% of people...

99% of people don't think it looks like a bomb...

Evidence of which is in this thread as I have already demonstrated. If more than 1 person out of the 50 don't think it's a bomb, then it's not 99%.

Greebo brought up a hypothetical "if 99%", I shot it down because it's rubbish, but you completely missed that.
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That's fine. However, for me living in England (not the US), I am more concerned about the non-whites, stabbing each other in London, beheading soldiers in the street, bombing the underground trains and london buses. Ergo, I am more cautious around someone of that appearance, carrying around a briefcase stuffed with wires and a clock that's making beeping noises.

Shame this is a thread about a kid in the US, in a US school, arrested by the American police, with posts using US statistics then....:)

You can go around fearing for your life when you see a non white person. Personally I'll just carry on with my life, and try and avoid the cars that are far more likely to kill me.;)

Aren't you aware? That makes you an Islamaphobe.... same way i'd avoid a gang of black looking shady guys. Guess that makes me racist...

If I avoid chavs though, nobody will bat an eyelid.


To be fair, what does them being black have to do with anything in that scenario? If there were a bunch of shady guys hanging around at a dark corner I wouldn't care if they were white, black, asian or blue. I would probably avoid them, because they looked shady, it wouldn't matter what colour their skin was.
How should this have been handled? take a look at the clock, ok not a bomb time to go back to the station...

Erm... Yeah... That would have been a good end to it, with perhaps a mention to the (almost certainly crying) kid that perhaps it wasn't the best thing to bring into a school without warning.

Once they realised it was a clock and there was no threat, or intent, they should have backed down and left.
To be fair, what does them being black have to do with anything in that scenario? If there were a bunch of shady guys hanging around at a dark corner I wouldn't care if they were white, black, asian or blue. I would probably avoid them, because they looked shady, it wouldn't matter what colour their skin was.

Agreed if I saw a shady bunch of white guys on one corner and a bunch of Asians who looked like Muslim nice guys on their way back from a chess club down the other road I'd chose to walk by the nice looking Muslim Chess dudes in case the shady white guys did something shady to me possibly with scary wires:eek:
In the world we live in and how killing sprees can happen in schools in America it is no surprise. His parents should have known that and should have contacted the school first.

It should be celebrated but in the correct manner. Kids have been used to trigger explosives in war zones etc and killed kids with guns so quite right I think. Better to be safe than sorry.

World is under constant terror threats from anybody and he brings in something that could be a bomb - hello!?
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