2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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Because our current economic wealth is still substantially built on the riches robbed from other nations hundreds of years ago.

^^^This hence the large overseas aid budget! ;)

Water under the bridge now what happened, happened end of story.

Problem is how do you deal with thousands of people trying to invade an island? Because that's what is happening, what approach do we take.

Do we stand at arms and shoot them?

Do we accept them with open arms?

Do we deport them to the nearest safe country they left?

Do we imprison them?

Do we set up a segregated island for them?

Its like what the hell can we do, that is ethical and manageable. :confused:

Answer is bugger all! :mad:
We need Aliens style automatic torrents to man the tunnel, that will learn them.

Careful what you say, you have the lily livered Liberals calling for you to be banned! :p

It reminds of world war z Israel scene, as in we playing the free health care, benefits and housing trumpet too loud!

I would post the scene but its not family friendly, not in language but the scene is a little gruesome.

Anyone interested in my thought search youtube for MmdJnSASoTA! ;)
If that was directed at my opinion earlier than I'd think again about what you post.

When you've been involved in every conflict since 2007 that Britain has taken part in including operations going on now then feel free to come back and label me a lily livered liberal.

Until you're prepared to sign up and do something for your country rather than complain on a forum linking daily mail articles you might want to hold off on judgement of others.

I've done it so no reason you can't grow some and step up from behing your keyboard. Might learn something about other cultures too.

Don't talk to me about conflict and army as I have lost a good friend, no thanks to the IRA! :mad:

What is it with the beef about the Dailymail? Its skim news if you interested then you go to the independent or the telegraph etc.
I skim news I do not take every thing I read literally. :rolleyes:

On topic

I have this feeling and I have posted it before, but I find it a very poignant statement.

Is it me or is that what the media are portraying??? :confused:

Or do I need a tinfoil hat ! :p
It wasn't convoluted at all, I said get out from behind your keyboard and do something if you're that bothered. You clearly aren't so keep posting DM links.

Not falling for the bate. :rolleyes:

Question is what are we going to do as a country?

We cannot go around kicking every immigrant ball sack, no more than we can shoot them. :confused:

We need a solution guys or we up hit creek without a paddle! :(
How can you miss such an obvious point and twist what is a good idea into something that is completely closed minded at best, some conflict would be inevitable I'm sure when removing corrupt dictators and dealing with the likes of IS but a state of near total war? Hardly! You wouldn't need boots on the ground for long periods if you trained and installed an effective police force capable of managing things themselves. It certainly wouldn't be easy but we don't live in a perfect world and would need to deal with the problems as they are now!

You disgust me!

Your naivety is either youth or just a general ignorance of how the world works. :rolleyes:

They crawling out the wood work now. One was found under a horse box. :eek:
Yes I know daily fail but the pictures tell enough of the story for me. :mad:

For pics


For reading.

If that's not an invasion what is? :confused:

Feel sorry for all the lorry drivers, its just bloody wrong

Also how do we know these people are not criminals, could be murders and rapists fleeing the police force of there home country.

For all you bleeding hearts, I have a 8 year old daughter that I care about very much.
The last thing I want is her to end up in a getto called the UK, saying that its not far from it round my ways anyway. :(
I'm not ignorant of how the world works, how the world works is what causes problems like mass illegal immigration and am suggesting what I see as a constructive alternative which would in my opinion alleviate most of the problems over a long enough time scale.

What most of you fail to see is that by continuing only to look after our own self interests these problems are never going to go away!

You fail to understand that its all about money and nothing else.
The world does not run on magic fairy dust its all about money.

Overseas aid is about gaining huge contracts and exploitation. Overseas wars are about feeding the military manufactures.

Vaccinations in the 3rd world are about feeding the pharmaceutical companies.

Its corrupt as hell and sod all we can do about it.

A little like our government! :rolleyes:

Read this for a laugh....


Really Dave! :D
Its all part of the plan folks after a little digging I found this.


Notice his employment record quote
"Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas. " :mad:

See the pattern, no tinfoil required as we up **** creek without a paddle. :(
[TW]Fox;28380803 said:
Shock as those qualified and able to hold international positions have experience working in top jobs elsewhere :confused:

Lets face it, the head of a representative organisation of 160 nations isn't going to be a former supermarket till operator from Rotherham, is he?

Lol funny. :D

No its just when I see that company name Goldman Sachs sends shivers down my spine.
The same company that fiddled the books for Greece to enter the EU.
They are a vile company with no regard for people whatsoever.

Bingo got it!!

Get Greece in the EU by fiddling books, cause a uprising on the north African continent. Sell the UK as free for all golden paved streets and watch them come.
Oh and lets nearly send Greece into bankruptcy in the process, just to make sure they don't stop too many migrants. Eye off the ball so to say.;)

You got to admire the skill, deception and lengths they we they go to in achieving there own agenda.
you've got it backwards though they did those things because they were hired to do those things not because they had an agenda of their own.

Fingers in many pies! ;)


And that's from 5 years ago.

The has to be a plan to this, because I cannot for the life of me remember a time in history when people tried to invade a country and said country, just all stood around like muppets scratching heads. :confused:

It has to stop and if that means bloodshed so be it.

The stupid teachings of the past few generations have taught kids to value every human no matter where they from. BS period everyone has a personal agenda either good or bad we all have one.
Some peoples agendas are about pure exploitation which is what these migrants agendas are.

They trying to invade our borders to exploit our over generous system of looking after people.

Do we want a gang of exploiters in our country, or do we make a stand and stop it now. :mad:

Problem is what the hell can we do, all fine and well being armchair warriors and all but..... hands tied. :(
Basically they getting a free pass and I mean free, from Italy, Greece and France direct to the UK. :mad:

EU is a *****ing hole in our backsides we don't need. See if I can get from Liverpool to London free approximately 1/10 the distance. :rolleyes:

The whole charade is ludicrous the EU, immigration, exploitation with human trafficking etc. :mad:

Its becoming a hole and I might have to look to move away if it gets any worst.
I have family and friends in Australia, Dubai and Canada.

I do not want to move away but.

I have lived in my area most of my life and I can tell you now for a fact, they are everywhere, along with the alcoholics and halfway houses the area has turned into a cesspit, all within 15 years! :(

But no lets welcome our human friends with open arms and give them somewhere to live. It begins with a F and ends with F! :mad:
[TW]Fox;28386314 said:
What tripe, if we welcomed them 'with open arms' they wouldn't need to risk death smuggling themselves in :confused:

Tell us more about how you dislike immigration so intend to immigrate to another country.

I don't intend to go anywhere, but am looking out for my daughter and we will be moved anywhere for the best start for her life.

I could exploit and take every penny anyone has if I wanted to, but not my thing, I don't claim benefits and I work for myself.

Not sure if you live in a ivory tower but trust me its getting bad, really bad. :mad:

This is just the beginning. ;)

It has to stop somewhere come on, you cannot let thousands of people in the country who could be a multitude of criminals and psychopaths.

Bloody ridiculous to think otherwise. :rolleyes:
This is literally the thing you are criticising other people for doing.

Difference is I am skilled and so is my partner and we have moral values that we adhere to. ;)


Someone comes banging on your door looking for a place to sleep, because they have nowhere to go? :eek:

What do you do ? :rolleyes:
Who said they weren't skilled?????????????

Who said they don't adhere to morals??????

You are quite literally getting all worked up over daily mail articles and just making stuff up now

Skilled people with morals have no need to trespass, damage property, break in an enter and violate a countries borders. :rolleyes:

If you skilled ...

1. You will have a passport or relevant document.
2. You have documents pertaining your relevant skills.
3. You would not camp in Calais.
4. You would not need to camp anywhere if you skilled and intelligent.
5. Need I go on.

Skills my ass, they are scroungers and I feel for the real refugees in crisis, because that's who they damaging with all this criminal activity.

I don't get why you are defending these people, yes I know and understand the is genuine people in crisis, but these toe rags are exploiting the situation and system. :mad:

If you cannot see that then I give up. :(
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Pubs kicked out early then.....

I'll entertain it anyway.

1. They are possibly refugees, they have no clothes or money, why would they have documents
2. They are possibly refugees, they have no clothes or money, why would they have documents
3. They are homeless, Britain is relatively successful on the world stage so thats why they want in
4. So are you saying that there are no British homeless skilled and intelligent people then?
5. Yes, please continue.

Please PROVE they are scroungers. I'm willing to admit that yes there will be a proportion that are, not like the daily mail portrays that they all are.

I'm not necessarily defending them, I'm just trying to get the point across that 'kill them all' as was previously posted isnt the correct way to deal with the problem or the right attitude to have.


I know its not the DM so won't 'sicken' you enough to be worthwhile but just have a read.

Nope with my family all day and went for a nice meal. I have been reading the thread but don't reply as I am either busy or with my family.

I will go on. :p

5. The is no way in this world you would dump your documents to make yourself incognito, if you had skills or where in real crisis.
6. They have better trainers than me, how is this possible after such a arduous journey! :confused:
7. They get free train fare through out the EU. :eek:
8. If I was in such a destitute situation from war and harassment, I would kiss the first counties ass I landed in knowing I was safe. ;)
9. The is people born bred in the UK making a good profit from human trafficking from this situation, which P`s me off. :mad:
10. The EU know what is going on and is letting the situation escalate, funnel all migrants to UK borders if that's their destination.

Don't be so naïve, I know the are real people in crisis and they genuinely need help. But flash mobs at the tunnel are not doing anyone any favours period. :rolleyes:
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