2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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The ones who get arrested probably get a free NHS check-up, a £1m council house and enough benefits to buy a return air fare to Lagos.

Sadly this is the main problem - not that this happens, but that the general concencous is that this is what does happen. It isn't, most of them don't, but the more everyone thinks it's the land of free everything the more people will keep trying to get in.
Because before you know it the entire French border will be patrolled by British forces. Give a man a hand and all that.

The French are seeing how far they can go with this.

Works for me. Rotate new reservists every 2 weeks as on the job training. Loads of 4B1T 7.62 NATO link left over from Op. Herrick.
Just for a lol, we should introduce compulsory Army conscription for all the middle eastern refugees coming to the UK.

Then send them back home to fight for their own damn country,
instead of running away and expecting NATO to clear up the mess that islam always creates.


Wait, so you're suggesting freely arming the migrants of Calais... Especially when they are all "would be terrorists". How about you think about that for a second...;)
The problem is the French couldn't give a monkeys! In their eyes the immigrants aren't their to stay in France, they are there to invade the UK. So they see it as a UK problem only.

I would imagine shutting the tunnel would cost us more in losses than spending money to protect it. But Calais really needs to be turned into a fort. 20 foot tall walls, multiple gates so that any breaches can be contained easily. The tunnel needs a set of blast doors so that it can be sealed at night. And of course the entrance to the Calais terminal needs to be regularly patrolled to ensure immigrants aren't trying to break into the back of lorries.
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Well, the obvious solution is for the UK to bother taking it's share of the refugee burden and helping the rest of the EU to do the same. But, hey, instead we can blame the refugees instead!
Send in these guys :D
Well, the obvious solution is for the UK to bother taking it's share of the refugee burden and helping the rest of the EU to do the same. But, hey, instead we can blame the refugees instead!

they're not refugees they're just immigrants.

if you go to America illegally should the Americans keep you because they should take their "fair share" of random people who turn up illegally?
If 2000 people stormed the tunnel our end I am surprised they didn't make it.

Takes a huge amount of bottle to stand fast with 2000 people charging at you, with nothing to deter them other than an extendible stick and some hot sauce spray.
offer Nigeria £10k per person they take?
This is an excellent idea, we can pay for it using the money that we are offered by Nigerian royalty, I have at least three of these offers in my inbox, i'm sure the government have more.
How hard can it be to secure an area, can't they just build huge sky high concrete walls and fit them with water cannon.

Also I want to know what happens to the ones that reach our shores, media outlets do not seem to focus on that as much, didn't 150 or so reach us out of the 2000 that breached the tunnel yesterday.
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Sadly the only solution to this is going to take a long time, probably two generations, and its education. There are two broad categories of migrant: economic and war zone refugee. Most of them have managed to scrape together several grand to pay the trafficers. Ironically, this likely means they are amongst the smartest and most entrepreneurial of their country of origin - exactly the sort of person who adds value to an economy - as opposed to the lazy, benefit-stealing stereotype loved by the Daily Hatemail.

For economic refugees (primarily Africa) improving their home economies so that they can improve their quality of life at home would mean the educated are less likely to want to leave. Africa has a long history of bent governments and wasted investments. Had Africa grown at the same rate as Asia since 1945 we would not be seeing them. After all, where is the invasion of Chinese and Korean migrants ?

For war zone refugees I will argue that, in general, smart people don't go to war. They have too much to lose. Even if you have a massive advantage over your opponent, they can still inflict huge damage on you. Smart people will reach a compromise in a dispute.

So, for both cases, the answer is to educate the whole population so they understand how to improve their lot, how to spot their leaders are crooked or inept and boot them out, and give them something worth preserving to pass on to their future generations.

OT but it is believed that Aliens (1986) is set in the year 2179 ... surely by then their weapons would be more sophisticated than a machine gun. By the end of this century laser guns will possibly be commonplace.

People said the exact same thing, IN the eighties XD
Ironically, this likely means they are amongst the smartest and most entrepreneurial of their country of origin - exactly the sort of person who adds value to an economy - as opposed to the lazy, benefit-stealing stereotype loved by the Daily Hatemail.

Given the experiences of truckers, and video footage showing how violent some of these people can be, I really don't think many of them are the type we want to welcome into Britain. If they were that desperate, they'd have settled in the first safe country they arrived at.
Surely the answer is to fortify the crossing, e.g. the same as Mexico's borders - a shoot on sight policy would surely be more of a deterrent than spending a few million quid on more fences.
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