He's scare mongering. Sweden has seen a large increase in muslim immigrants in recent decades and this coincides with a sharp rise in rape crimes amongst other crimes. You could say we are feeling something similar in the UK with child and female abuse by muslims and he's pandering to this aspect and ignoring the fact that most muslims are decent people living decent honest lives.
Most paedophiles just look at pictures and never physically harm a child, but that doesn't mean I'd be happy at more of them coming to live here.
How many rapes by muslim immigrants is OK in your eyes?
If we can bring in 1,000 but another girl gets raped as a result, is that OK?
If we bring in all 50 million of them and still only one girl gets raped, are you going to explain that to her parents.
How about we refuse entry to a known risk group, and wait for them to stop being such a misogynist culture
that no sensible country would let over its borders in the first place.