2 Laptops, different CPUs. Help me choose.

15 Oct 2011
So basically this is for a friend. He wants to buy a laptop for general use and playing games (not very demanding. mostly Football Manager, Heroes Of Newerth and perhaps something different in the future :D).

So anyway, we came down to 2 laptops:

ACER Aspire 5742G
540M 1GB GPU
Intel Core i5 480M @ 2.66/2.93GHz (http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i5+480M+@+2.67GHz)
Cost: aprox. 474GBP (converted from Bulgarian Lev, since he is buying it from Bulgaria)


ACER Aspire 5750G
540M 1GB GPU
Intel Core i3-2310M @ 2.10GHz (http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i3-2310M+@+2.10GHz)
Cost: aprox. 452GBP (converted from Bulgarian Lev, since he is buying it from Bulgaria)

I am asking because I am not sure about the i5, since it has Hyper-Threading and Turbo Boost and I am conserned about the temperature it runs at. Basically, I want to know which one will be performing generally better.

So please tell me which laptop should I recommend to my mate.

If possible give me pros and cons on the two CPUs.

Thanks in advance.
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We bought one of the staff where I work the 5742 i5. She hasnt mentioned it getting too hot but she is only using it for work use so cant comment on gaming etc.
We have the i3 5742's dotted about aswell and are very happy with them. Very solid havent had any trouble with them at all.

5742 looks better to :P
Honestly I would've chosen the one with the i3. Both are 2 cores, 4 threads, but the major difference is the i3 uses the Sandy Bridge architecture. Hence it will perform better per clock, use less power (hence longer battery life) and will be a lot cooler. But the i5 does have turbo, which will bring an advantage for gaming which I suppose will give smoother gameplay. Either way both are good CPUs.
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