21/7 Bomb Ploters Guilty!

18 Mar 2006

3 of the 6 have been found guilty so far, the Jury is still out on the other 3. No word on the sentence to be handed out yet, but at least 3 of the ******** have been found guilty :D.
We should be building a gallows as I type if you ask me, so they get the old Saddam Swing treatment. You know, hurry them on their journey to their 72 virgins in paradise. Instead we have to pay so they get fed, watered, free dental and free healthcare. What a ****** up world we live in. :rolleyes: :mad:
Monkey Puzzle said:
There's no way they're getting out of prison any time soon - letting people out of prison is reserved for those committing lesser crimes. Like GBH. And rape.

So GBH and rape are lesser crimes than releasing flour?
Should enforce the ****ing death penalty for treason imho stuff the ***ard EU and human rights. They obviously have no respect for human life so why should we care about theirs?
Monkey Puzzle said:
There's no way they're getting out of prison any time soon - letting people out of prison is reserved for those committing lesser crimes. Like GBH. And rape.

I think if you experienced either GBH or rape you wouldn't describe them as a lesser crimes. :rolleyes:
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@if ®afiq said:
Was it actually flower? Were there any explosive materials involved?

I'm not 100% sure, I read reports of detonators setting off the flour etc, but what is clear is a) Nobody was hurt and b) There were no actual explosives present.
AJUK said:
We should be building a gallows as I type if you ask me, so they get the old Saddam Swing treatment. You know, hurry them on their journey to their 72 virgins in paradise. Instead we have to pay so they get fed, watered, free dental and free healthcare. What a ****** up world we live in. :rolleyes: :mad:

But wouldn't we still have to pay to have them executed?

Also what's more of a punishment for a martyr? Death or imprisonment?
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