24 Phone

13 Feb 2006
Guys I have a really annoying ringtone on my phone at work and due to my job it goes off all the time.. :( so basically i want to replace it with a better phone with decent ringtone... and I want to know if there is a phone out their that has the 24 "CTU" ring tone on it, or with a ring tone that can be changed to said ring tone

oh I also want to do this a cheaply as possible :p

Thanks in advance :)
Abyss said:
does your phone let your ringtone be an MP3? Or easier, what model phone do you have?

no it doesnt, (its a standard ntl unit) I think the only way of achieving what i want is with a new handset, do you know any landline phones that allow mp3 ringtones?
Psymonkee said:
24 uses Cisco IP phones if I'm not mistaken :)

they do indeed, i have exactly the same ringtone on my phone at work, I think it's just a wav off the top of my head, should be easy to get hold of...
bigredshark said:
they do indeed, i have exactly the same ringtone on my phone at work, I think it's just a wav off the top of my head, should be easy to get hold of...

yeah trouble is my phone is carp and doesnt let me use wavs as ringtones :(
what phone do you have?
bigredshark said:
i have the phone from 24, a Cisco 7970G IP Phone... Never tried putting the tone on my mobile...

ah, as soon as I see "Cisco" I think "mega bucks" :p

anybody know any cheapie landline phones that can use wav/mp3 ringtones?
bigredshark said:
i have the phone from 24, a Cisco 7970G IP Phone... Never tried putting the tone on my mobile...

We have the phone too. Asked the manager of the telephony team if we could have the ringtone added to our options, but she refused :( Got the impression that she'd been asked more than once before as well.
as its a phone for work, you may find that you can't actually change what phone you have. worth checking before you order anything.
bigredshark said:
i have the phone from 24, a Cisco 7970G IP Phone... Never tried putting the tone on my mobile...

It's not a wav/mp3 file on the Cisco IP system, it's in RAW format and is held on the call manager server.
Goliath said:
It's not a wav/mp3 file on the Cisco IP system, it's in RAW format and is held on the call manager server.


it's all about the 7970g
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