2TB Samsung SpinPoint EcoGreen Hard Drive

2 May 2004

Does anybody have any experience with the above drive as the main OS drive? I've not really had any experience with these new 5400RPM drives that are supposedly just as good performance as 7200RPMs?

It seems to be the fastest 2TB in the £70 price range at the moment.

Don't be fooled by transfer rates. Those drives all have high transfer rates which makes them ideal data/storage drives for large files, but horrible access times.

It's access times and IO performance that gives give good performance as an OS drive, not transfer rates. OS's have lots of small files.
Agreed with the above. Iv got a F3 eco 2TB as storage and its ok but nothing great. I wouldnt want it as a OS drive. Using a normal F3 1TB which is slow enough.
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