3 more sand sculptures

20 Apr 2003
in a house
these were all taken on sun around lunchtime, sun kept popping in and out so was always juggling exposure.
C & C always welcome :eek:


350D, 18-55 @ 27mm, 1/200th @ F11 iso100


as above @ 21mm, 1/250th @ F11


as above @ 27mm, 1/200th @ F11
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Not bad
2nd one has good composition, as a suggestion you should have maybe got the hand at the bottom in the frame.
first is ok,
not a fan of the last.
Also use flash outside in harsh sunlight, it reduces the nasty shadows on the first and last
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thxs for the input ChroniC, still fairly new to photography so easy to forget little things like making sure all that you are trying to shoot is in the frame. I was mostly trying to avoid getting some of yarmouth's ugly seafront buildings into the background as well as juggling exposure. i admit the last is a bit "holiday snap", it was 1 of the few i recognised and liked but couldn't avoid the clutter in the background
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