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nope can't say i am I have Ben Hur syndrome after all the recent films of that ilk.
jas72 said:
nope can't say i am I have Ben Hur syndrome after all the recent films of that ilk.

...sorry should have done a search for previous threads

the other recent films have been pants though.
yep i watch the trailers weekly if not twice a week LMAO looks awesome, waiting till i can book tickets for local cinema lol
ive seen the TV ads an thought it was going to computer animated tosh, however there was a trailer last night before Hot Fuzz came on, and it actually looks ok.
dustiestrat said:
this movie looks epic everyone in office i showed trailer to wants to see it too not seen advert on tv for it yet though .

There was an ad for it last night during a break in Goodfellas. I also like how the film has offended Iran ;)
Saw it last night at a preview...

My take on it is this, not much in the way of spoilers...

Fun to watch, don't attempt a body count, use limbs severed instead.

Spartans sure had a right old mix up of accents, and a Scottish King? Mind you, the persians had a Go'auld and a circus freakshow.

The Sex scene, I think most of the theatre started laughing at the 'doggy style' shot :)

Somebody is obsessed with pert nipples, but then let's face it, who isn't and we needed something to make up for the gratuitous use of far too much male flesh.

Some of the cinematography was awesome, really liked it :)

I enjoyed the film, but it sure wasn't as good as I was expecting, too much hype as per normal.
The funny thing is, how many of your average Americans would have known that Iran used to be called Persia?

And jeez, two films have portrayed Persia negatively. How many times has the bad guy in a Hollywood film been cast as a Brit? Good job we're not paranoid.
First the take Alexander and make him into a movie, disregarding all the he achieved by the age of 32 and focusing on whether he liked boys or not. Now they are making Spartans fly 100ft to the air! Lay off our history, Hollywood! :mad:

But yeah it looks like a cool movie :p

scorza said:
The funny thing is, how many of your average Americans would have known that Iran used to be called Persia?

And jeez, two films have portrayed Persia negatively. How many times has the bad guy in a Hollywood film been cast as a Brit? Good job we're not paranoid.

Most the Persian guys I know like to be called Persian, not Iranian by the way :)
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Yeah been keeping an eye out for this, looks like it's gonna be a great film, just dont want there to be too much hype and then for it to turn out pants :p
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