360 premium V 360 elite, worth the extra?

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
I'm getting me son an xbox 360 which originally was the premium versh. Now hes seen the elite versh coming out shortly and, being only 13 years old, he now wants one of those. now me question is, would the elite be worth the extra over a premium, opinions please?
Id say no, HDMI isn't really needed IMO, spending more to get a black console is pointless IMO, so it comes down to whether you think you'll need the larger hard drive. If you can see your son wanting to use the video marketplace when that starts up then get the elite, if not premium.
HDMI is really only for watching the movie side of things with HD-DVD. You'll get a spiffing picture with VGA or component, too. Then you can always upgrade to the 120GB HDD later down the line if you find you need it for the Video Marketplace, whenever that is launched here.
I thought the elite had a much bigger harddrive(120GB or something) as well as HDMI.... :confused:

As the standard hardrive is just about useless with being only 20GB..which the xbox360 takes a big part of for it's own useage..
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chaparral said:
I thought the elite had a much bigger harddrive(120GB or something) as well as HDMI.... :confused:

As the standard hardrive is just about useless with being only 20GB..which the xbox360 takes a big part of for it's own useage..

Can you read? We know it has HDMI and 120Gig HDD...

And useless? ive still got 13Gb on my HDD which ive had for 2 years... :confused:
Auron said:
Can you read? We know it has HDMI and 120Gig HDD...

And useless? ive still got 13Gb on my HDD which ive had for 2 years... :confused:

exactly, he's thirteen, not a 20 year old hell bent on playing and replaying all the latest demos/extra content 20GB will be more than enough. HDMI isn't really necessary either, especially purely for gaming, and normal DVDs, they will still look minton VGA as said.
Premiums are now confirmed to be rolling out in the US with HDMI and are suspected to have the 65nm chipsets. So all the Elite has left is a black case and 120gb hard drive.

Bigger hard drive is nice for me as I have a measly 2gb left on mine that I'm trying HARD not to fill up.
well not for the HDMI port now

Microsoft has just confirmed that HDMI is now standard with the Premium version of the Xbox 360, now priced at $350. The retooled Premium 360, sporting the fancy HDMI, will sport an HDMI logo on the outside of the box, a Microsoft rep told Kotaku.

"Yes, we are offering an HDMI port for Xbox 360 simply as another choice in Xbox 360 owners' games and entertainment experience. Retailers are gradually introducing HDMI-enabled Xbox 360s into the channel to meet demand."

Big kudos to Opposable Thumbs for being the first to get their teeth into this story and Shack News who got their hands on the first picture proof.
Cheers for the info guys. I doubt me son would be able to fill a 120gb drive and he doesn't care about the colour that much, but I like the idea of HDMI being implemented later on into the premium setup.
Shamikebab said:
Id say no, HDMI isn't really needed IMO, spending more to get a black console is pointless IMO, so it comes down to whether you think you'll need the larger hard drive. If you can see your son wanting to use the video marketplace when that starts up then get the elite, if not premium.

HDMI is comming soon with Premium's & Cores. You are only paying for the larger HD and better cooling solution...(65nm chips will also be introduced according to Kotaku soon :) )
TheDean said:
HDMI is comming soon with Premium's & Cores. You are only paying for the larger HD and better cooling solution...(65nm chips will also be introduced according to Kotaku soon :) )

yeah i only found out about that after that post, pretty good news though :)

if i did get an elite one day i would have to think hard because i would have to take my plasma of the wall to connect the hdmi cable and the tv weighs a ton :(

p.s with the hdmi cable do you have to use the xbox one? , as ive already got a hdmi cable connected going to my oppo dvd player?

after reading this thread, im thinking the xbox 360 wont be soo elite.
HDMI and a 120gb drive? Is that it or am i missing something?

A mate told me about this and he mentioned a better gfx card etc, amazing how many romours are floating around.
Shamikebab said:
Id say no, HDMI isn't really needed IMO, spending more to get a black console is pointless IMO, so it comes down to whether you think you'll need the larger hard drive. If you can see your son wanting to use the video marketplace when that starts up then get the elite, if not premium.
What exactly are we to see on the video marketplace? Films or just general 'stuff'?
beachBOYken said:
p.s with the hdmi cable do you have to use the xbox one? , as ive already got a hdmi cable connected going to my oppo dvd player?


You can use any HDMI cable you want.
so with this video marketplace it looks like the elites hardrive will be needed

whens this video marketplace due out, is it like an update??

Shamikebab said:
films, tv shows. Both rentals (timed downloads) and purchases afaik.
Well this does ok as long as the pricing is fair and the it's all nice shiny HD content :)
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