Sorry if this has been posted before i did do a search and nothing came up
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What the hell happened to Duke Nukem Forever? 3D Realms hasn't released an internally produced game since Shadow Warrior, a shooter that ran on an advanced version of the Build engine. Someone screwed up along the way, and, thankfully, 3D Realms is finally starting to admit that publicly as Duke Nukem Forever finally becomes a reality.
First, we fully admit we're screwed up the development of DNF, and it's now an industry joke. I laugh (and cry) when I think about it, too. Our fault is that we set the bar too high, and we tried too hard to make the game to beat all games," studio CEO Scott Miller told YouGamers in an interview. "In the last 18 months we've taken a much more realistic look at the project, we've hired a truckload of experienced help, and I personally believe we are now on the right track&finally."
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