4 boards, but which one to get?

18 Oct 2002
I am making the move to Core 2 Duo and have already bought an E6600 and 2 Gig of OCZ 6400, but now need a board to go with it. I plan to overclcock and will be using my liquid (fluidXP) cooling my set up. Out of these boards which one would you go for?

1, Abit AW9D-MAX Intel 975X

2, Gigabyte GA_965P_DS4

3, Abit AB9 Quad GT

4, Asus P5B Deluxe

I only chose these boards based on price, but if you know a better feature rich board for overclocking, please tell me.
Popular doesnt always mean the best, neither does the most expensive - the Abit AB9 QuadGT is a very good board, I will be posting my results hopefully with Command 1T, its hard to say whats best but any of the boards you have listed will do a good job.

I would decline to choose the Abit AW9D-MAX Intel 975X I have owned one, its the worse design 975X chipset board their is & thats coming from an Abit fanboy, it only has one PCI slot which is unuseable if you decide to run crossfire as their isnt enough space between the secondary PCI-E slot & PCI slot.

**Official ABIT AB9 QuadGT Review/Overclock/Guide Thread**

If you do decide on the ABIT AB9 QuadGT, I've made above thread for anyone using the board to post their problems, find fixes, share overclocking tips, aquire beta/offical bios drivers, how to flash motherboard, latest drivers/utilitys etc etc.

Of course, people will be biased as to what motherboards they own i.e. you will see an influx of Asus & Gigabyte owners stroking their motherboards so to speak & saying choose those, or DFI people saying buy one of those just because they made good Athlon AMD 64 etc motherboards when their Conroe boards are nothing out the ordinary.
Just seen this thread at hex lol. DS3P > DS4. It has all the features of the DS4 except the NB cooling and is much cheaper. Go for that!
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