4 drive NAS in cupboard?

2 May 2004

I have the HP Proliant 4 bay N54L with 4 2TB disks. It currently sits on top of my PC as a NAS / download box. Nothing intense, most of the time the load is 0.11, 0.15, 0.10 or lower unless I'm copying something big or it's backing up or whatever.

Despite changing the fans etc. it does of course make a bit of a noise.

Anyone know if it'd be OK in a wardrobe to block off the rest of the noise? The wardrobe doors just flap closed, no latch/handle or anything, so it's far from sealed. I'm just a little worried about heat build up over time?

Current temps are nice and cool (according to FreeNAS sysctl):
CPU temp :
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 33.0C
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 33.0C

HDD temp :
ada3 24C WD-WCAZA3585219 WDC
ada0 22C S2H7J90B909357 SAMSUNG
da0 33C Z300JTT9 ST4000DM000-1F2168 - EXTERNAL BACKUP

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True, s'pose that'd be the only way to know for sure. I guess I could set up some sort of email notification if a drive or the CPU gets too close to max temp.
It will be fine, I have my G7 and G8 in the same one that's sealed pretty well.

The G7 is running two 2012R2 VM's.
The G8 is running four 2012R2 VM's.

Both are on 24x7 with five drives in each.
I would be amazed if its not fine, They generate so little heat that there is not enough being made to raise the volume of air by a few C.

I put mine in the loft so cannot hear anything going on up there.
My N54L is under the stairs which is a fairly well sealed cupboard which is fairly small. I think the max CPU temp comes from updating the Plex library or starting up a VM.

I hear the PSU can get a bit warm in small spaces? :p

It's been in the cupboard for a couple of days now. Drives are a few degrees warmer, but they're still only around 30C, plus it's been a bit warmer in my house recently so definitely no issues there. CPU is warmer, but still sits at around 40C. Goes up to about 50C when working, so not bad at all.

Please with the result. The noise difference is amazing. It wasn't particularly noisy, but it was that background noise that you don't really notice but is a relief when it's gone. Completely silent in here now :)
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