IPC is incredibly subjective anyway, there is no one thing that you can point at and say "this is the IPC of CPU X ful stop" there is no such thing, person A can pull-up one 'compute type program' and say "look how much faster Intel is, that's IPC, person B could pull-up another one and say "look how much faster Ryzen is, that's IPC, the truth is both person A and person B are correct.
No doubt we will see some more Intel CPU reviews soon which show how fantastically fast the 5.4Ghz 7740X is, its king for IPC and Mhz, buy it noawwwwww..... i don't need them.
There will be nothing 'untruthful' about it....
Notice how some reviewers 'despite all that is known about how well Ryzen performs with fast ram' are still only using 2666Mhz ram and only testing the few games still know to effect Ryzen more adversely than Intel + one that doesn't to make it seem balanced.
Its very very difficult to do that when you're testing 30 games including all the games known to not play as nice with Ryzen, and out of that you come up with an overall picture, that to me is fair in a world where IPC of any product is whatever you want to portray it.
This is why i have always liked TPU, Interesting that they are one of few who actually call Intel out on their ####.
Intel are loosing their grip and influence with some reviewers, mmmmmmmm'good! it actually is for us mear consumers.