7700K just a few Q's about the temps - Help an idiot out!

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Right, Im giving my son a better PC, and so I recon the 7700K would be a perfect choice for him.

Anyway, I got a H80i AIO cooler on it, and the software says the fans are both at 0 RPM and yet they are definitely working.

The Corsair software also said the Cooler itself is at 69c and the CPs are all showing 100c or 99c

Speedfan however, was floating at the 83-85c range? - WTF? Is it 83 or 100?

Now, the cooler as I said is working. What I did about a year ago, was cut the pipe and changed the cooler and there is now a glass ( Perspex ) tube inline, along with a resevoir, and I can see the coolant go through the pipes and I can see the fan on the Radiator working just fine.

So, Iam iffy as to whether I need to replace the cooler, but the temps are really high, even for the 7700K

I do remember the temps were fairly high when I used this anyway, but I dont remember them being THIS high???

So, a few days ago, I re-seated the CPU, cleaning the old compound off etc, applying new, and I also flushed and renewed the coolant.

I have given the setup a couple of days of non stop hammering to settle things in, and it has made ZERO difference?

Any thoughts?

Thanks for even reading this pap! - More thanks for helping if you can!?!?!?
Sure thing...

Ok, downloaded the latest portable v7.06-4500 64 bit version.

And its showing the 4 cores as 98c 95c 100c 97c

Any particular value you need?
I guess an easy way to tell without messing with the cooler is to take the side panel off and blow a fan at the block, if the temps come down then you know it's broken, but if the CPU cores are hitting 100c and you're not even doing anything there's a big problem.
your cpu is throttling at those temps. if your aio is hitting 69c then it is most likely dead or dying. as you modded the aio you may have not got enough coolant inside. have you got the radiator above the pump/cpu block?
There is plenty of coolant in there.
I have also of course made sure that there are no bubbles in the system.
The Block pump does work, you can see the liquid being pumped through it at the tube.

But I do accept that maybe its not pumping right... After all the both fans are spinning and the software says they are not, so they may be spinning but not enough?

The Radiator is higher than the CPU... I think the bottom of the rad, is about 1 inch higher than the top of the block, and one pipe is going up to the resevoir and then into the rad, the other pipe is uncut.

I do have an Archon Air Cooler, however, its a bit too big If I am honest and I did have it on the SabreTooth I7 before I changed that for an AIO but it was so heavy that I assumed that it was causing issues with the CPU crashing.

It also forced me to move the GPU to another slot and this PC does not have enough PCI slots to let me move the card to a lower slot...

But I will have a look at swapping that over in the next couple of days.
you coolant temps says 69c. that's way beyond the 60c max safe operating temp. you need to make sure the tubing on the radiator is above the pump otherwise air will get stuck in the block/pump (not safe) and can cause the issue your getting.
Ok, small update.

I just had a go at fitting the Archon Cooler into the PC but the thing is simply too big and I dont feel that I like the idea of it... I took it off the Hex Core as it may have been hindering the CPU due to its weight, and since going to an AIO on that setup, its been far better.

Anyway, I re-seated the cooler, applied new goo and it now sits slighty better, but in a kind of useless way...

For example if I do nothing.... 68c and it stays there for some time.

I just double clicked on Thunderbird to check my emails and it went to 87 then after a few seconds, 77, 71 then 69.

As I am typing this, its going 71,69,73, oo I just saw 66 then 65 and now 74... all in a few seconds.

What else have I done?

Well the Corsair AIO Pump/Radiator device has the USB port and thats connected to a USB header for the software. It also has 2 cables coming out of it... One has 3 wires and a 3 pin connector and the 4 wired cable has 2 4-pin connectors on.

Now, I have currently set it up like this :-

The Radiator Fan connected to CPU OPT on the Mobo and the 3-pin from the pump, to the CPU socket on the CPU.
The 4-pin connections were both going to 120mm fans that I have put on the case.

According to the Corsair Software, the PUMP is still showing that its not spinning but the RAD is at 2000 or so... Quite a lot for a 120mm fan, so is that wrong, or is it reading the pump as the wrong one?

I no longer have the instructions, so can anyone give me the correct bits to connect to where?

My case is a Phanteks Elite SuperTower and it has that weird fan controler thingy but I think its busted cos nothing works with it.

The Motherboard is a Gigabyte Z270MX
According to the Corsair Software, the PUMP is still showing that its not spinning but the RAD is at 2000 or so... Quite a lot for a 120mm fan, so is that wrong, or is it reading the pump as the wrong one?
2000RPM is damn fast for a fan and you'll hear it. Radiators don't have an RPM reading ;)
sorry, yeah obviously the radiator has no reading, but I did mean the fan on the radiator, not the radiator itself.

and yes, that IS a ridiculously high speed from a 120 and so I'm thinking that could be the pump
Ah, back up to 85 and staying there again.

Im just going to have to bite the bullet and buy another AIO Setup, but the annoying thing is that this H80i is not anywhere near as old as some of my other AIO setups.

Plus, my main screen is starting to fail... Got fuzz on the left side of it that comes and goes when I either start up a PC or select another through the KVM ( No, its the screen not the KVM ) and so I have other spands before I help my lad out with this, plus my trike is in one garage, the bobber is booked in for Thursday to get the seals and springs done, The SAAB has something wrong with the driveshaft, and the Honda needs the bearings on the front sorting out, so I got enough paying out this month.
As it was clearly the pump that was failed, I decided to buy another one... I just a cheap one this time, a Deep Cool... It lights up blue and so it looks funky and it only cost me 40 delivered next day.
Fit it earlier on, and started the PC up and got suspicious when the temps were only at 18c idle.
I have just played a quick game and the temps went to 34 but no higher, and its now back to 19c
So yeah, job done.This will keep my lad happy and out of my face for a bit.

Right, one more thing that kind of annoyed me...

My Hackintosh is also a 1151 setup and that too is on an AIO setup... Its in a small Coolermaster Elite 130 case, but the thing is, its rarely used and I could have used that cooler.
Seconbdly, the Thermaltake Archon that wasnt fitting properly... I found the backplate for it and so I could have used that too!

Im such a moron, but hey, at least I know.
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