A few from London Zoo / Borough Market

20 Oct 2002
As you can see from the EXIFs i actually went quite a while ago, and have just got round to processing these. Oops! Anyway, it was my first time out with my Sigma 70-300, and my first time ever doing macro too - and i really enjoyed it. A few of the macros are really noisy as i'm sure will be pointed out, but hey :)

Starting off with a few random macros at Borough Market (great food there!)




We're all off to the zooooo

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Full of quality shots there, I especially like 3, 4, 5 (though the composition doesn't look quite right to me) and 7 (I would have cloned out those speckles to the right of the monkey, unless they're foody bits from it's mouth).
TheAlex said:
(I would have cloned out those speckles to the right of the monkey, unless they're foody bits from it's mouth).
Yeah they're foody bits! They kept grabbing some food and scampering along the rope above our heads. Funny little things!
Mohain said:
No. 12 is a great capture :)
Thanks. I took so many of the meerkats, as the pen was quite small and on the mound they're a little above head height so with the greenery in the background it creates a really natural-looking shot. I have loads of them but tried to choose the best. If i was being picky i'd point out that the left two are slightly blurred (i think they're moving) but hey.

Thanks for the comments. I think i need a bit more macro practice ;)
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