A question about life

22 Oct 2004
As soon as your born your dieing :p nice start to a thread :)
Anyway whats the point of it all really. What makes you get up out of bed everyday to go do your daily routine eg work/school etc etc....
Your time is up whenever, it could be today tomorow or years from now what does it matter?
Family, Friends, luxury items, holidays etc etc its all a distraction to the day you die. What do you think is the point of our existence, is there a point?
Why does there need to be a point? I look back on my life, and I think I've had a lot of bad times but also some pretty dame good times as well. Maybe instead of woundering and worrying we should just think of the good times and laugh.

Yeah we all die, but every party comes to an end, and every party has good points and bad points, and some parties aren't as fun as others, but you gotta stay till the end, just incase something crazy happens.

I know a party seems like a trival way to describe life but it works for me!
There is no point, accept it and carry on knowing that your existence is meaningless.

At its very simplest the meaning of life is to die. To live is to die.
deleted said:
My child thats due in December, cant wait :)

(cheesy reply sorry!)

My child that's upstairs asleep after a long day of yelling at mummy due to having sore teeth...

Seriously, having a kid is really cool, but damn hard at times. Harder than anything you've ever done before, I'll wager. It certainly has been for me.
vonhelmet said:
Seriously, having a kid is really cool, but damn hard at times. Harder than anything you've ever done before, I'll wager. It certainly has been for me.

I'm sure it will be hard, but I'll bet you wouldn't change it if you could.
bakes0310 said:
What makes you get up out of bed everyday to go do your daily routine eg work
Because I know I'll be in the pub as soon as I finish?

But on a more serious note, because I'm working towards a career that I absoloutly love, even though it is rather dangerous and could possibly end my life lol. I want to make those around me proud, doesn't matter to me that they and i will be dead eventually, as long as I can provide some happyness to them and make them proud, I'll go to the grave happy.
Why do people look at life this way, no wonder so many people commit suicide every year.

Anyway back to your original question, I get out of bed everyday to forfill my purpose in life, to enjoy it, socialize and have fun.
you dont choose to live in this world tbh, you were forced to be born, and now we choose to live, if that makes any sence.
You can easily choose to end life too. though people find that selfish.
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bakes0310 said:
Anyway whats the point of it all really. What makes you get up out of bed everyday to go do your daily routine eg work/school etc etc....

I get up to do the things I enjoy, **** everything else.
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