As soon as your born your dieing
nice start to a thread
Anyway whats the point of it all really. What makes you get up out of bed everyday to go do your daily routine eg work/school etc etc....
Your time is up whenever, it could be today tomorow or years from now what does it matter?
Family, Friends, luxury items, holidays etc etc its all a distraction to the day you die. What do you think is the point of our existence, is there a point?

Anyway whats the point of it all really. What makes you get up out of bed everyday to go do your daily routine eg work/school etc etc....
Your time is up whenever, it could be today tomorow or years from now what does it matter?
Family, Friends, luxury items, holidays etc etc its all a distraction to the day you die. What do you think is the point of our existence, is there a point?