A second new Underboss Joins the ranks!

Wow I never saw this thread :eek:

Thought it was best I came stuck my head in. Many of you won't recognise me as I'm almost exclusively in the hardware sections, GD is a little bit too crazy most of the time for me.

I look forward to helping out in hardware, and branching out into GD when I'm feeling brave.
Yewen said:

Makes me not the newest, so I am happy! :D

I am now wondering if more people will join the ranks, the dons outnumber the UB's still. :p

I'm the newbee now, I'll catch you on msn and catch up with what I'm meant to be doing :)
Mattus said:
Which is a worrying indication of the direction this forum has taken. I've only been here three years and I've seen the shift from technology to spam.
Its cyclical. You haven't seen the worst points (Beaky and GDZ anyone?)
fatiain said:
Sounds horriffic :eek:
MindYerBeak led a campaign to split GD because he wanted a more mature discussion, but didn't want it to be as serious as SC.

Both were full of spam, but there was a flat cap/walking stick GD and a kiddie GD.

It was awful.
Gilly said:
MindYerBeak led a campaign to split GD because he wanted a more mature discussion, but didn't want it to be as serious as SC.

Both were full of spam, but there was a flat cap/walking stick GD and a kiddie GD.

It was awful.

When was all this? My GD history is practically non-existant :)

I've got to get upto date with all this mustard, kill it with fire, punch it in the ovaries and whatnot.
Minstadave said:
When was all this? My GD history is practically non-existant :)

I've got to get upto date with all this mustard, kill it with fire, punch it in the ovaries and whatnot.
Quite a few years back now. Maybe 3 or 4 at a guess.
Minstadave said:
Ahhhh a bit before my time then, can't believe I've only been here 2 and a bit years, seems a lot longer than that :confused:
I can't believe I've been here about 7 and its over 3.5 years since the last nuke :/
basmic said:
Out of interest - how are we meant to respect somebody we hardly know the name of?

Respect isn't just about how well you know someone. I don't know anyone who has been awarded the Victoria Cross, does that mean I shouldn't have respect for those who have?
dmpoole said:
bad analogy

Victoria Cross winner = Underboss on a forum

Maybe if you choose to interpret it in a certain way - I certainly never claimed that the two were one and the same thing, in fact I never even mentioned Underbosses or anything to do with an internet forum.

The point I was making is that the fact that you don't know someone doesn't mean that you shouldn't respect them. Or conversely, there may be people deserving of your respect who you don't know very well.
HangTime said:
Maybe if you choose to interpret it in a certain way - I certainly never claimed that the two were one and the same thing, in fact I never even mentioned Underbosses or anything to do with an internet forum.

I was pulling your plonker.
I only come down here when im bored or drunk at the weekend so ive come across Dave many times on the hardware forums. Has helped me out many a time, mainly when i first got into PC's 3 years ago.
Congrates Mistadave.
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