A thought..

21 May 2010
Ok, so discussion in the office today was momentarily swayed onto Politics :confused::eek:.

We mentioned about the high population of Indians and Pakistani's and what not.

Now, OCUK, What would happen, in your opinion, if Pakistani's set up there own political party? Would they out-vote us White-British people? Would there be civil un-rest?

We couldn't decide...
Ok, so discussion in the office today was momentarily swayed onto Politics :confused::eek:.

We mentioned about the high population of Indians and Pakistani's and what not.

Now, OCUK, What would happen, in your opinion, if Pakistani's set up there own political party? Would they out-vote us White-British people? Would there be civil un-rest?

We couldn't decide...

You do realise that there would have to be many asian political parties catering to different groupings within the communities right? There would be unrest between them themselves.

Old asian people who think they know what's right for people can't get along well together when it comes to politics. Ever.
Given that Pakistanis make up around 2% of the total population at most I wouldn't worry overly about them 'ganging up' and out-voting the natives.
Given that Pakistanis make up around 2% of the total population at most I wouldn't worry overly about them 'ganging up' and out-voting the natives.

Im not sure if the percentage is right but i agree, there just isn't enough voting eligible Pakistani population to massively affect the results.
I suggest you and the majority of the UK actually look at census before declaring yourselves as approaching a minority. It is far from true.
Considering around 93% of this country is white people, I think most of the racists on this forum are chatting ****

To answer your question - clearly very little would happen if there was a political party like that. If the Green Party, BNP etc struggle to get seats, how the hell would a random new party get seats appealing to around 4% of the population?!
Indian and Pakistanis can't vote any way, you have to be a British, Irish, Commonwealth or European Union citizen :p (depending on what you voting in blah de blah).
Indian and Pakistanis can't vote any way, you have to be a British, Irish, Commonwealth or European Union citizen :p (depending on what you voting in blah de blah).

India and Pakistan are Commonwealth countries.....

But as said, the resident voting population is so small it is insignificant.
Indeed, you will see parties for these minorities being established over the coming decades as their numbers rise and the indigenous population erodes away. And there goes a once noble country.

Demographics is everything.
Indeed, you will see parties for these minorities being established over the coming decades as their numbers rise and the indigenous population erodes away. And there goes a once noble country.

Ok................ :rolleyes:
But what if the Indians and Pakistanis breed with the white women?

You'd have some sort of half-Indian half-white man hybrid? And then what if they bred with Aussies? And then Swedes?

And what if they had their own political parties? And don't they eat squirrels?

(p.s. I'm a mixed breed part Indian part Polish part who-knows-what, so I can make these jokes :p)
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