A3 printer

22 Sep 2009
I'm thinking of buying an A3 printer and printing all my own stuff; I've lately had some interest in some of my photos as well as doing jobs for other people so this seems a logical step... my only issue is where to start? How much would the initial outlay be to buy a good quality printer, paper and inks suitable for 'pro' use?
I'm not overly bothered about black and white... I occasionally do black and white but more often than not I prefer colour works.

I'd prefer to avoid Epson purely because their inks seem to be more expensive than, say, Canon, and obviously over time the ink price will add up.

Another question: how many images roughly would I get before having to change ink, I know there's no exact number because of the prints varying, but as a rough guestimate?
Right now I do all my printing online myself, it's just something to bear in mind and I knew it was going to take some time to repay the investment, however the big advantage to my mind is the fact the prints are ready instantly which may be useful for some events.
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