A8N-SLI-PREMIUM and 2 x 7800GTX

18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK

Posting here as well as the GFX forum as I think it is probably a MOBO problem!

OK what the hell is this siren its driving me mad


I've just installed a second 7800GTX into my rig for some SLI fun (which works fine) but I get this horrid loud siren, I think it's coming from the MOBO but its so loud I really can't tell.

As far as I can tell I've disabled every alarm possible in the BIOS.


It will be coming from the Mobo, what PSU/CPU are you using and are you overclocking. The siren, I think, either is an overheating issue or the Mobo saying it isnt getting enough power, although mine used to just shut down.

If its overheating it means that your HSF probably wasnt seated correctly or has been unseated when you installed the 2nd card and the resultant ambient heat created by the secound card has pushed you to the limit!
I'm using an AMD 4400+ and a Hiper 580W PSU, my CPU temps are about 50C?

Also when playing say UT2K4 the siren doesn't go off all of the time, sometimes it does go off but as soon as you move it goes off again so it would seem to be associated with maybe HEAT/LOAD.

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