Accident last yearm still ongoing, weird?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Last year I owned a Metro, nothing smashing but it was a nice little runner to get to and from work. not long after ownership a cement truck driver crashed into me on a dual carriageway, he wasn't looking as he was moving into my lane from behind and smashed my driver’s side rear wing/door panel inwards.

He admitted liability on the spot and we exchanged insurance details. I am with NUD fully comp and he was with Norwich Union under the fleet cover thing.

As far as I was aware everything went smoothly, I got home, pulled out my insurance details and notified NUD of the accident then contacted a local repair shop who forwarded me to QDOS accident help services who only deal with non fault accidents. They were superb, they sorted everything out within a week and I got a hire car too as I was working full time for that month on contract work so needed a car and I had no need to claim on my own insurance as it was not my fault.

Shortly after the driver of the truck started not responding to me or QDOS, we needed some further details and his insurer needed his admission of liability. It took almost 2 weeks for him to admit liability so the hire firm could role me out a hire car because they needed verification that they would get their hire fees back from the truck drivers insurance company afterwards.

I got my money for the metro all fine and that was that a month later. I thought it had all been solved.

I just got a letter recently saying that the truck drivers insurance company or broker/whatever has only paid half the hire car fees and not responded at all to any means of contact from anyone and so the case was forwarded to a solicitor on my behalf by QDOS who is doing what they can to defend my case and get this stupid driver and his people.

Basically what they (his party/lawyer) is saying now is that I had no right to be given a hire car because my car was worth only £500.

They said they find the hire car firms rental charges unreasonable too which was £25 a day for just over a month.

They are also claiming some more points along these lines.

Basically it looks like they are trying to weasel out of having to pay the remaining fees which is not on and I have been told that my side of the case is more solid but it's all down to the court at the end of the day and I may need to attend the hearing when it's arranged to verify my case etc.

I just want to know if there is anything else I can do or anyone else I can contact that may be able to help in this process? I work full time so it's extremely hard to get time off to attend the court in the first place so I'd like to sort this matter by paper i f possible at best and the solicitor working on my case has all the needed details to defend my case but said they can always use more info/help if needed.

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I'm going through the same thing at the moment. I had an accident in a car park where a guy reveresed into a space and knocked my bike over. I had a hire bike but the third parties insurance won't pay up for it even though the person admitted knocking my bike over straight away and it has been passed on to a solicitor on my behalf. The accident happened 2 years ago and this all kicked off a couple of months ago. I got my bike sorted but not the hire bike payment even though the company that supplied it to me assured me no charges would be incurred by me.
Yup that is exactly the same with me, I've was assured that as long as the guy admitted liability and his norwich union confirmed this then no charges would come to me for the hire car or anything else. I don't think it will stand up well for them in court if it goes there either because my solicitor has all *** details needed for a solid case as far as I am aware
We're having this from the other side. My missus blew a tyre on her MX5 spinning it into a BMW for good measure. Her 5 was repaired and back to us in under 2 weeks but BMW took more than 3 weeks to look at the 318 she hit and then 7 weeks repairing it, whilst loaning her a brand new 330i £100+ per day. We got a court summons for £2500, the remainder of the £7500 hire bill Direct line were refusing to pay out. They are defending the case on our behalf and I have to say, £7500 of car hire is beyond resaonble, especially when it was a 5 year old 318 BMW and it was not her insurance dragging their feet.
you've got nothing to worry about

its not your fault and the court will never force you to pay for the fees. They can argue all they like, its not going to get them anywhere

in my non fault accident, hire car company was charing £80 a day for an MPV, plus whatever surcharge for me having 9points on my license for a month

dread to think of the bill, but because it was non fault there was nothing they could do.

Friend of mine at work was in the other seat, having crashed into the back of some old banger worth about £100. They screwed her insurance company for every penny, hire car fees, whiplash for all the occupants, stress etc..

but there was nothing her insurance company could do

basically his company can argue about the fees all they want, fact of the matter is he put you off the road, his insurer is liable and will have to pay the consequences. The value of your car is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is you had no transport because of him, so they have to pay for you to have some and providing the swap was like for like (no sending in your 2 door fiesta and getting a getting a merc sort of thing) then they've got no grounds to argue.
Surely there is a time limit on these sort of things, you cant just come back a few years down the line and complain....
they sent me a 3door 2004 clio extreme which was the same base as my 5 door metro so it wa son even grounds, my metro was a right off obviously and repairs would have cost above £1200 - I guess you are right though, in that light it was not my fault, he hit me and in this process i lost several days off work whilst he took his sweet time to contact his insurer to notify them of the accident - in fact he only did it after myself and qdos phoned him at his work and home to confirm whether he had contacted his insurer or not as i wa soff the road without a hire car until he did this.
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