Adaptive Gearbox System Reset

As tried on my 1998 e38 728i with Steptronic gearbox.

Disconnect the battery completely.

Remove both terminals
Switch on ignition (to the point where the ignition would light up if the battery was connected)

Touch the positive & negative wires together (this purges the electrical syatem of any power left in the circuit)

Hold for 30 seconds or so.

Reconnect everything and drive away - if you did it right, the box will feel VERY different as it will then re-learn your driving style!

I've found by doing this more than once, depending on how you subsequently drive after the "reset" makes a major difference as to how the box behaves.

Clever stuff! :D

I cannot find where i first read about this, but me being me, I promptly tried it and noticed the effects!
Matt82 said:
what exactly does it 'learn'?

Your "driving style"

Drive it like you stole it, and it'll hold onto gears longer before change ups, and it'll avoid 5th gear.

Reset it again, drive it very gently and it'll change up as soon as possible, and change down later.

Well, thats what mine does!
If i recall you can do this on the E46 without disconnecting the battery.

I think! it goes like this.

Insert Key, turn to position 2 and count to 10

Turn key to off position and count to 10

Turn key and start car right away without leaving in any of the ignition positions.

Worked for me when i did it a while ago so i think the above i correct.

Its a BMW approved method by the way as its in there service manuals.
Wolfchild said:
If i recall you can do this on the E46 without disconnecting the battery.

I think! it goes like this.

Insert Key, turn to position 2 and count to 10

Turn key to off position and count to 10

Turn key and start car right away without leaving in any of the ignition positions.

Worked for me when i did it a while ago so i think the above i correct.

Its a BMW approved method by the way as its in there service manuals.

Same in an E60 as it worked for me a couple of weeks ago (my D mode is closer to DS now, hanging in gears a little longer) and afaik it works on the E39 too. The OP's method sounds like too much hassle :p
5tephen said:
Same in an E60 as it worked for me a couple of weeks ago (my D mode is closer to DS now, hanging in gears a little longer) and afaik it works on the E39 too. The OP's method sounds like too much hassle :p

1,I'm not the OP!
2, Thats the only method I could find for an e38 - it certainly works though. :)
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